KINGDOM CULTURE EXPLAINED On the thigh of Christ upon His - TopicsExpress


KINGDOM CULTURE EXPLAINED On the thigh of Christ upon His return, is written, King of Kings... kings is not the kings of the earth, king of state as we think of here on earth... it speaks of us, as believers, as joint-heirs with Christ, His Bride, seated with Him at the right hand of God, adopted in, grafted into the Kingdom. This is no small thing. In our surrendered state of new life in the resurrection power of Christ Jesus that now lives and reigns within us, we are given access within our own inner courts to Heaven, as Christ tore open the veil between Heaven and earth at thee cross. This is our kingship, that fully saturates also our core, our outer court and atmosphere, permeating us with Heaven. We, as carriers of Heaven, then pour out wherever we go, changing the spiritual atmosphere, the culture even... This is what its all about, this is our commission, our destiny defined, how we change this world. With our Menorahs lit with Holy Fire, we go about lighting the oil lamps, the Menorahs, helping other believers retake their inner courts, be realigned with the Lover of their souls... begin the process of consecration, remove the spots, wrinkles and blemishes and enter into the perfection of their faith, step away from the world, certainly, but also out of religion, where they are enslaved to law and accusation, breaking the chains of ear-tickling drunkenness grace teaching of self indulgence and inward focus, and into the God-giving Grace of the cross and the empty tomb, the outward, out-pouring focus of being a fountain of the Love of God found in Jesus Christ... Yes, we are undeserving, yes we are wretched sinners, but God did not surrender His only Son to die for us to keep us here... He asked His Son to take our place that we might walk in HIS righteousness, HIS holiness... and He loved us enough to obey His Father in Heaven even unto death... and so we surrender, are emptied of self, are the life of Christ is poured in... like a husband expresses His love to his bride, in holy matrimony intimate relationship... and the fruit of the womb of this conception... is our kingship, and the fruit of our spiritual wombs, as we take up HIS mind, HIS nature, HIS outward flow of the Love, Grace and Mercy of God... souls, and souls in abundance. In our kingship, understand this... yes, there was a day of illiteracy, where the priests of the temple had to read and impart scripture... we have grown in wisdom and knowledge, and, in our kingship. We partake of the Bread of Life, of the Manna from Heaven of Holy Scripture, and the Word of God of today that is imparted to us today... and wax strong, as warriors. Jesus told Peter to feed the sheep, He did not say, become the king of the sheep. we are responsible for our own temples. Pastors, church leadership are NOT our hired guns. We have our own commission, our own destiny, our own calling, what we are chosen for, our own path to eternity, our own fruit to bear as trees planted by the River of Life... yes, we have mentors, and yes, we have lines of authority, but we also are given talents to invest for the Kingdom... and the voice of God is for our ears to hear... and it is to our hearts joy and celebration in giving to Gods will in our lives. We partake of the meat given, we are equipped in the House of God... to be empowered for our mission of fulfilling our destiny, walking out our great adventure in God. When the deep waters call to us, we go. We do not waste away in the ankle deep shallows as spectators of the work of God... we release what God has given us to release... and be give Him the one thing still remaining in us, in our surrendered lives... our hearts, our love... for He is so very worthy... for this is truly a love affair for all the ages... and this is our love story. Welcome, my brothers and sisters in Christ, to the Kingdom Culture Life. And so, we do not look down upon those lost in the things of this world, or the pharisees and sauces of our time... we love them with the love of God right where they are, just as God did for us... and we willingly pour out Christ to them before their very eyes... and surely they will want what we have... and we celebrate the lives of our disciples as Christ celebrated his... with towel and basin in hand... a King, yes, but servant to all. -Todd L Thomas
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:19:17 +0000

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