KINGDOM PASSAGE DAY SIXTEEN: Scripture Reading: Exodus - TopicsExpress


KINGDOM PASSAGE DAY SIXTEEN: Scripture Reading: Exodus 8:20-32 Focus Verse: Exodus 8:22 Flies! Unlike the plague just before this one, the translators all seem to agree on the type of bug that is used by God in this fourth plague. As it was with the first two plagues, this is a plague of which Pharaoh was forewarned by Moses. When the Egyptian leader still refused to comply with God’s demands, God sent swarms of flies to fill and contaminate the homes of the people. It is possible that these “flies” could have been several different kinds of biting insects. Psalm 78:45 states that these flies “devoured them.” Obviously, these “flies” were a source of pain and distress to the Egyptian people. While this plague was troubling Pharaoh’s people, what might have troubled them more was the knowledge that the Israelites, who shared the land with them, remained untouched from this horrible curse. When it seemed that Pharaoh had finally had a change of heart, Moses prayed and God caused the swarms of flies to withdraw. We should note that these “flies” appeared miraculously and that their disappearance was just as much of a miracle as their appearance. Again, this was a judgment upon the false gods of Egypt. Because some kinds of flies were considered to be symbols of reproductive powers, images of them were often worshipped. Prayer Emphasis: •Strive to be as patient with people as God was with the people of Egypt – and as He has been with us. Seek creative ways to use the circumstances in life to witness to the blessings that we receive at the hand of our gracious God.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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