KITCHEN : Food preparation; service through priesthood; - TopicsExpress


KITCHEN : Food preparation; service through priesthood; nourishment at the altar of Christ (see rooms). KNIFE : Tool for cutting; useful in the kitchen when appropriately used; note how the knife is used. LADDER : Means to climb; increase; growth in understanding. To fall from a ladder may indicate fear or lack of confidence; need to reflect on Christ. LAKE : Water (soul). God is speaking of the emotions; a lake is lager than a pond; can be small or large (see water). LAMB : Represents Christ; used as sacrifice. LAPIS LAZULI : Opaque blue; self-assurance; considered to have qualities that are supernatural (see gemstone). LAUGHING : A response to stimulation. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth (Ecc. 7:4). God nurtures soberness of mind, not depression (see bodily actions). LEFT : A wise mans heart is at his right hand; but a fools heart at his left (Ecc.10:2). Take note what is on the left, if the symbolism represents a green meadow the Lord is speaking of our rest. Sometimes the Lord uses left and right to represent the choices we make or the difference between the two kingdoms. LETTER : Means of written communication; take note of what God may be communicating. LIGHT SWITCH : Issuance of Gods grace. LIVING ROOM : Caverns of the soul which addresses relations with family members (see rooms). LOOTING: Looting speaks of lawlessness. This has to do with the casting aside of restrictions in order to pursue aspiration and not faith. Looting has to do with stealing while faith works with charity which is a tool used for giving...not taking. By this symbolism the Lord reveals how He sees the nature of the world which we once walked in agreement with but are now walking contrary to. The Lord is revealing how He sees the system He has delivered us from and how He sees the fruit of that system He is purging from our souls. We were following the rhythm and cadence of the spirit of this world but are now following the rhythm and cadence of the Spirit of God which is in harmony with the policy God set for our faith in Christ. We have to work within the restrictions God set in order to experience growth. This is the opposite of casting aside restrictions in order to take. When you consider Christ and His tools of charity which we express through His priesthood and how the Spirit of God daily confirms Christ in your faith we can see how God daily encourages your continuance and consistency in the things of Christ. Dreams speak of your transition from darkness to light both in thinking and in substance, but this transition requires the power of the Spirit which works only with these tools of the priesthood. LOSS, LOSING : We count it all gain to lose the things of this world to gain eternal riches; growth cycle speaks of suffering; we are choosing the witness from above rather than the witness from beneath, therefore the conscience is purged (Rom.9:10). MAILBOX : communications sent or received; God is addressing our communication. MALL : Huge cavern of the soul; speaks of those things that attract our attention (window shopping); the Lord is addressing our focus and singlemindedness in Christ. Another meaning: a place to shop for new attitudes MAROON : Poor health; possible pun on being marooned on a desert isle, depicting feelings of loneliness, isolation. (see colors) MARRIAGE : Joining. God is addressing what we are being yoked to, either for good or for evil. A merging or joining with another or with a higher aspect of oneself. Note type of ceremony and other details. Meat: Meat may refer to the carnal appetites of man or it may refer to the digestion of that which is wholesome for our growth, the understanding of the word of God. Notice how the symbolism is used; in connection to partaking of the beastly nature of man of which God is bringing separation and healing? Or is it in connection to strength for faith? Those who dine on the word of God enrich their faith and proper stewardship of truth increase in strength. MEDICINE : Purging for fruit; suffering unto glory. MICROSCOPE : God provides dreamer with close view of fruits of iniquity targeted for healing; magnification so as to exaggerate so we can see more clearly the wiles of Satan and avoid them (see telescope) MILK : Nourishment. We are nourished in truth through our labors at the altar of Christ. MILITARY : Conformity to truth; one faith; enduring hardships as a good soldier of Christ. MONSTER : Fear, imagination. God is bringing healing to the soul and restoring equity. MOTEL : (see hotel) MOUNTAIN : Higher than a hill, more challenge to the cycle of growth, may be longer in duration; may also indicate higher vantage point to see after cycle is complete (see hill). MOUTH : Speech, words; purging of the mouth if substance controls or hinders movement, like for example gum, wires, gravel, soap (see anatomy). Purging of the lips. If substance is in the mouth this will involve timing and usually will bring frustration if you try to bridge this obstacle yourself. Timing is the lesson. A substance or object in the mouth often indicates the type of communication emphasized in the dream. An operation or dental procedure on the mouth may indicate a purging cycle for correction and beautification associated with speaking charity/truth. MOVIE : Self portrait of the soul; God plays out the scenario for us to see where Satans snares are so we can avoid them; through the grace of God there is power to overcome. presents a story of the dreamers self which may include the participation in something much larger with others. Occasionally we see movies in our dreams that are playing out a certain message or projecting strong imagery. Note the message or imagery, the surrounding characters, type of movie (educational, documentary etc). Satan projects false imagery to create an illusion. MOVING: Rreflects of change in life. Moving ones house can refer to complete change of belief system. Moving to a better, nicer house may represent fruits of regeneration. Moving to worse circumstances/house can reflect the areas of the soul that the Spirit will be cleansing, purging and setting in order to beautify. MURDER: Witnessing or committing a murder can reflect the death of the old man. Murderous feelings in a dream reflect areas of hostility, anger or frustration in need of healing and cleansing. The soul was exposed to violent acts upon it and also committed violent acts. God sees and knows and brings healing as we follow his law of grace and truth. Murder also has to do with one who denies grace. MUSHROOM: a fruit of iniquity grown in darkness which can be poisonous MUSIC : Harmony with the Spirit and fellowship of the assembly. Harmonizing to the music of the world shows conformity to adam and not Christ. Original music piece: Truth is the original record from the bosom of the Father by which we keep harmony and rhythm with His Spirit. No other pattern or record is made living by His Spirit. Disjointed, inharmonious music depicts inequity which = iniquity Practicing music or music that flows from the dreamer: This shows preparation, forethought, and contact (fingers if involved). This is how we keep our vessels full of faith and cooperate with the Spirit of God. This is why God continues setting daily tests for our faith so that we can gain practice cooperating only with His Spirit while restricting the expression of ourselves NAKEDNESS : Extreme vulnerability (VHP); openness, exposure of self; half naked or mismatched clothes show feelings yet to be purged; may also show feelings of being outside the activity, looking in yet not being accepted or prepared. NAMES: The names of people in a dream often refer to qualities, attributes, or a characteristic that person may have. It is a way of showing the dreamer what is in the soul by highlighting these things in an objective way. A name may be a play on words or to direct the dreamers attention to a situation in life which the Spirit will be using to cleanse and purge. NECK : That which joins the head to the shoulders. In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him (Job 41:22). The neck is showing the will which is weakened by iniquity or strengthened by grace and truth. To protect the neck is to avoid risks and to stick your neck out is to take risks. NEIGHBOR : Current neighbors depict current issues that play upon the soul; could also represent some aspect in others that God is revealing to the dreamer concerning healing (see people). NEIGHBORHOOD : area of the soul with related caverns.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:00:32 +0000

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