KL Report Srinagar “Jammu Kashmir is actually a police state - TopicsExpress


KL Report Srinagar “Jammu Kashmir is actually a police state where there is a blanket ban on speaking, getting up, sitting down, peaceful processions and public rallies. Stopping us from reaching to our brothers in Doda with relief is also a part of this imperialist approach”, Chairman of Jammu Kashmir liberation front Mohammad Yasin Malik said in a statement issued on Wednesday. “On 29th May 2013 we were stopped from distributing relief among the victims of earthquake and we after arrest were pushed back to Srinagar. Besides the whole world, the leaders of many pro India parties including National Conference leader Mustafa Kamal, Pradesh Congress President professor Saif ud Din Soz, Congress leader Mohammad Sharief Niyaz, PDP leader Nayeem Akhtar and communist leader Yousuf Tarigami condemned this police act and some of these parties and leaders even demanded a probe into the matter. But it is ironical that when we again tried to reach the earthquake victims of Doda we were again arrested and stopped”, the statement said adding “Now a question arises that if these pro-India parties and leaders who are actually representing the whole assembly and two of whom are from the ruling coalition are against stopping us from reaching Doda. Who is actually issuing orders to do so. A common kashmiri fails to understand that if rulers want to allow the caravan of relief to reach Doda which hidden force and hands are actually issuing orders against it. This dual act has once again proved that the state of Jammu Kashmir is not run by these puppets but it is actually directly being governed by their masters in Delhi and these so called rulers of the state are so weak that they even cannot open their lips”. “Today these so called rulers show concern over the young educated person joining militancy. They are actually having many hidden agendas while speaking on this issue and one of these agendas is that they want to tell the whole world that the resistance movement so far is being run by uneducated people and hence lacks popular support”. Yasin Malik said that this is factually incorrect as the resistance movement right from 1928 was launched by highly educated people and intellectuals. He said that father of Kashmiri nation Mohammad Maqbool Butt who pioneered this movement in 1960’s was having a masters degree in English and Urdu literature. “He worked as a journalist for many years. So was JKLF PatronAmman ullah khan who has authored many books, Dr Farooq Haider, Abdul Khaliq Ansari Advocate, and many more”. Yasin Malik said that Alfeteh was another chapter in our resistance and the people who were a part and parcel of that were also highly qualified youth of their time. “And when this present struggle started the youth like Shaheed Ashfaq Majeed Wani, Ajaz Ahmad Dar, Sheikh Abdul Hamid left their colleges and started it. this movement soon became the romance of people like doctor Abdul Ahad Guru, doctor Abdul Ahad Wani, advocate Jalil Indrabi, pilot Nadeem khateeb, scholar shams ul Haq, scientist doctor Turabi, Mohammed Azam Inqilabi, Syed Salah ud Din, mufti Jamal ud din and many more highly educated people”. Yasin alleged that this new phenomenon of young men joining militant ranks is the direct consequence of Indian state choking every kind of peaceful political space to Kashmiri’s. “Kashimiri’s on world’s persuasion made a historical transition from violent to non violent mode of resistance. These young and budding boys participated in peaceful resistance in years 2008, 2009, and 2010 but instead of being given a space where met with a brutal force by India. These young men saw Indian forces butchering hundreds of peaceful protesters in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Theses people saw torture, beatings and killings, they saw prisons and police repression and lost every hope in peaceful way of resistance.”, he added. While reiterating his appeal for complete shut down on the arrival of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Kashmir ,Yasin Malik said : “Prime minister is the same man who did nothing in 9 years and 3 months rule. What will he deliver now in remaining 6 months” He said that Manmohan Singh Jee when assumed the office of prime minister announced to solve Kashmir issue. “It was he who initiated a dialogue process with Pakistan. It was he who announced zero tolerance on human rights .but actually he has done the otherwise. It is during his era when martyr Mohammad Afzal Guru has been hanged and even denied a proper burial. It is his regime that has crushed our peaceful people’s revolution in 2008 and 2010. It is his rule when we are being denied our basic human rights. It is his rule when 35 kashmiris have been sentenced to life. It is his regime when our teen aged kids are arrested and sent to jail under PSA”. Yasin claimed that no Kashmiri can be happy welcoming the Prime Minster who has done all this. “In fact every Kashmiri will shut down his office, transport , business and daily activities as a mark of protest on 25th June 2013, Tuesday and convey to him that Kashmiris don’t approve his tyrant and oppressive acts and deeds”, he said Yasin Malik appealed to every Kashmiri to join this peaceful protest and observe a total shut down on 25th June 2013. Yasin Malik also paid rich tributes to Mirwaiz south Kashmir Moulana Qazi Nisar on his anniversary. Terming him as a great Kashmiri scholar and famous leader, Yasin Malik said that his struggle and sacrifices cannot be ignored by any one and today we all express our gratitude and love for this noble sou
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 17:28:57 +0000

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