*** !!! KNIFEGLOVES.COM TEMPLATE GLOVE ANNOUNCEMENT !!! *** Im just going to bite the bullet here: After TONS of wasted materials and hours and hours of wasted time, the moment has come for me to make a decision on this. Copper pipe and I do not get along. I have wasted nearly two entire 10-foot long copper tubes with trial and error (using 3-4 inches of material at a time) and I still cannot get consistent results with the copper sourced from pipe. I have spoken with Mike Becker about eliminating the pipe version glove and offering Template Gloves made from .032 sheet copper for $800 instead of $1,000. He initially allowed me to offer an $800 version but only if I offered a $1,000 pipe version. But as I said... copper pipe and I simply cannot get along and it is severely delaying orders for Template Gloves and its severely frustrating me and I have finally decided to call a quits. ALL future Template Gloves that I build from this point on are going to be built from .032 thick copper sheet instead of pipe. I will be contacting all customers with a pending Template Glove order to let them know if this change. If they decide that they want a refund, so be it. I have made some test pieces from .032 copper sheet and you simply cannot see a difference between .032 and .030 when put side by side. They look and feel virtually identical to one another in terms of thickness and weight. So, the copper Template Gloves from here on our will be microscopically thicker than the copper on the screen-used Hero glove. I think some people will welcome this change since many prefer a heavier glove and thicker materials. .032 sheet copper and .030 pipe gloves feel virtually identical and they will feel exactly the same in your hands as if they were the original Hero glove. Some people will be very angry about this change but I simply have thrown in the towel when it comes to working with pipe. For that, I am truly sorry. I know I can get 100% consistent results with copper sheet and thus, I will be able to produce Template Gloves with much greater speed and achieve even better results. I simply do not know what it is about pipe that wont work with my techniques but Ive had enough of it and I need to get peoples orders completed. Ultimately, I think the sheet versions of the Template Glove will prove to look better than any pipe version I have made because I am able to produce predictable and consistent results across the board. My most recent Template Glove was made from sheet copper and hands-down, it has been my most complimented Template Glove to date from those who have seen it. Again... these gloves will lose the pipe feature and for that, I am truly sorry to those who really wanted that feature. However, this was a feature that was never offered to begin with when Mike first started selling his own Template Gloves. It was simply something I added to up the quality. However, from now on, the basic selling point will be all about the Templates instead of the additional pipe feature. Mikes Template Gloves were sold using much thinner copper but to keep it as close as I possibly can to the screen-used glove, I will be using much thicker copper than what Mike did when he produced his own versions. As most of you know, the only reason I am able to produce this glove is because Mike allowed me to spend several days at his house and copy the screen-used glove in person instead of going off of photos/screenshots/video as we have all had to do up to this point. As part of our agreement, I had to agree to sell them for the price that Mike mandated. He does not want these gloves sold for less than $1,000. To be honest, if you have a problem with the price, PLEASE take that matter up with Mike since that was his decision, not mine. I wasnt going to let something like that ruin this kind of opportunity. By agreeing to abide by his mandates for this project, Mike, in exchange, allowed me to be the sole Part 1 / Part 2 Template Glove builder with his endorsement and he would cease production of his own versions of the Part 1 and Part 2 Template Gloves. Ive taken a lot of heat from several people over this whole project and at times it has been more stressful than rewarding. But I want these gloves to be available to the fans even if they have to be done at a high price. Once again, I will continue producing template gloves but from here on out, but they will be made from .032 thick copper sheet instead of .030 pipe. I will be contacting all pending customers for Template Gloves to give them the opportunity to back out of their order or just proceed with this option. Please accept my apologies in advance. But I feel it is what is best for me as a builder and for those with pending orders because working with pipe is simply taking WAY too long to get these gloves completed. (P.S. The $800 version of the Template Glove will be discontinued in light of this new decision. Those orders that I currently have for the $800 version that I briefly offered will still be honored at that price. ALL future orders will go back to $1,000 as the only option and it will be made from .032 copper.) PM me with any questions.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:12:09 +0000

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