KNOW THE FUTURE NOW! - AN INVITATION TO AN ETERNAL LIFE OF EXCITING ADVENTURE (1.) Meet and talk with Jesus Christ face to face and let Him personally touch you wiping the tears from your eyes - Revelation 21:4 (2) Live in the Capital city of the entire Universe of millions of galaxies - Revelation 21:2, 23, 24 . (3) Build a home on Planet Earth, plant your garden with animals -like lions and bears who are forever tame and friendly - Isaiah 65:21-25 . (4) Share Christs throne with Him (Revelation 3:21) as part of His government of the entire universe. . (5) And so much more!! . PARADISE AT LAST! -- PLUS A PARADISE VIDEO prophecymadeeasy/chapter31.htm . The preachers of Noahs day died outside the ark because they didnt understand or believe the prophecy God gave Noah (Matthew 24:37-39). . The same thing happened again in A.D. 70 when the Jewish people didnt believe Jesus - over a million slain in the destruction of Jerusalem by General Titus and armies. (Luke 21:20-21). If you are depending on popular books like Left Behind you will be as blind as they were. God bless you and look at the hundreds of Bible texts quoted in my book Prophecy Made Easy. - I want to see you in heaven as an everlasting friend. Read FREE or buy from Amazon . Buy Prophecy Made Easy from Amazon amazon/Prophecy-Made-Easy-Glen-Walker/dp/0615113567/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1408316694&sr=1-1&keywords=prophecy+made+easy . 5 star rating .. WHY DOES THE BOOK OF REVELATION HAVE THE WORD REVEAL IN IT? WHAT SECRETS DOES GOD PROMISE TO REVEAL TO YOU? What does He tells us will soon come happen on Planet Earth as an “overwhelming surprise? (Matthew 24:37-39; Daniel 12:1; Revelation 16; 21; 22) Jesus promises you that if you “ask” Him to help you understand the book of Revelation – He will help you and bless you with a special blessing! He says, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” Matthew 7:7; Revelation 1:3. There are three books that will be tools in your hands in helping you understand the book of Revelation. – (1) The Great Controversy, (2) Prophecy Made Easy and (3) What’s Next, Visions of Revelation. TWO OF THEM ARE FREE TO READ ON LINE! You can purchase The Great Controversy so economically (in bulk) I recommend you buy them in bulk to distribute to others. Prophecy Made Easy comes in Easy English and is not sold in bulk prices but can also be read for Free – just click on the chapter links below. Pray (talk to God as to a friend) and claim the two promises from Matthew 7:7 and Revelation 1:3. Ask Jesus to help you understand His last book, His last message to prepare each reader for the crisis of the ages that is about to burst upon Planet Earth and how to pass through this crisis with the same safety Noah passed through the world-wide crisis of his day surrounded by angels and safe in the ark. (Psalm 34:7) I also pray for those you meet each day and those who come to your wall that and this Facebook page that they may KNOW THE FUTURE – NOW! - That we all may understand enough of the future events and how to prepare to meet them successfully and eventually to meet in heaven and the New Earth as everlasting friends! Our world is clearly in trouble. Where are we headed? Could we be witnessing the final days of Planet Earth? How will the future affect you and your life plans? This book and your Bible will help you find answers to these questions--and help you EXPERIENCE THE FUTURE--NOW! FOUR WAYS TO “KNOW THE FUTURE NOW!” (1) amazon/Whats-Next-Visions-Revelation-Walker/dp/0578073544 (2) FREE TO READ ON THE WEB prophecymadeeasy (3) WWW.AMAZON.COM/Prophecy-Made-Easy-Glen-Walker/dp/0615113567/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1382475707&sr=1-1 (4) ADVENTISTBOOKCENTER.COM/prophecy-made-easy-experience-the-future-now.html . THREE WAYS TO GET TOMORROWS NEWS TODAY! -- Prophecy Made Easy – (The Three Angels Message of Revelation 14 in Easy English) - Read it right here chapter by chapter FREE or get it from the Adventist Book Center (A.B.C) or from Amazon. LEARN THE FUTURE -- NOW! - (Before it happens!) . Please pray for Prophecy Made Easy (The Three Angels Message in EASY ENGLISH) for those who have trouble understanding Bible Prophecy -- that the funding may become available to mass produce this book to reach others in an economical way like is being done with The Great Controversy -- Thank you much for your prayers and for sharing this request with others!. . amazon/Prophecy-Made-Easy-Glen-Walker/dp/0615113567/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1408316694&sr=1-1&keywords=prophecy+made+easy . . #1 Buy Prophecy Made Easy from the Adventist Book Center adventistbookcenter/prophecy-made-easy-experience-the-future-now.html . 2. Buy Prophecy Made Easy from Amazon amazon/Prophecy-Made-Easy-Glen-Walker/dp/0615113567/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1408316694&sr=1-1&keywords=prophecy+made+easy . 3. Or Read it FREE on the Web – just click on anyone of the 34 chapter links below and read it chapter by chapter right here on the web as my FREE GIFT TO YOU! I do not mail them out in hard copies – want a hard copy purchase them at great prices from either The Adventist Book Center or Amazon in the two links above. MEET ME in heaven as AN EVERLASTING, ETERNAL FRIEND! . KNOW THE FUTURE -- NOW! . MY GIFT TO YOU! -- Read my book “PROPHECY MADE EASY” -- FREE! - by clicking on the chapter links below! Come back often. Make a copy of this -- put it in a file so you can find it again and share it with everyone you know via email so that they also may find answers to many of their most important questions! . https://facebook/groups/186755384854355/ JOIN Great Controversy Project and purchase below wholesale (subsidized) and distribute The Great Controversy and GLOW Tracts everywhere “with the LOUD VOICE of God’s last warning message to Planet Earth! When I think of the Billions of dollars spent on getting politicians elected – it seems like money wasted – if only I had billions of dollars to invest in The Great Controversy, Prophecy Made Easy and GLOW tracts – think of how much seed (Luke 8:11) I could sow (Matthew 13:3-8) and what wonderful results (2 Corinthians 9:6) there would be at the second coming of Christ, “the harvest at the end of the world” when “the angels are the reapers.” (Matthew 13:39) Read The Great Controversy FREE on line preparingforeternity/gc/gccontents.htm . And invite others to join “Great Controversy Project” which makes it possible for you and I to purchase The Great Controversy in Cases of 32 books per case for just 98 cents for the FULL BOOK – hundreds of pages – the retail price of the back of the book is $9.95. You can get one edition for 69 cents and the other for 98 cents. I prefer the 98 cent one because the print is easier to read. The book will help others understand the future just as turning on the headlights on your car helps you see ½ mile into the future on a dark night and see what is coming down the road toward you so you can drive safely. 2 Peter 1:19 says that understanding Bible prophecy is like a light in a dark place. (Like using your headlights on your car when driving down a dark road on a dark night.) . Only a fool would choose to drive down a dark road on a dark night without using his car’s headlights to illuminate the road ahead. And only a fool will try to get through this life without seeking to understand what God foretells is going to happen next. Read the books of Daniel and Revelation in the Bible and read and share “The Great Controversy” with others so that they might be safe and be ready for what is going to overwhelm the world as an overwhelming surprise! You may also share my book “Prophecy Made Easy with others so they may read it online for free prophecymadeeasy/or purchase it from the ABC or Amazon 2 - STAR WARS, THE FIRST WAR prophecymadeeasy/chapter01.htm . 1 - WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE THAT THE BIBLE IS TRUE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter02.htm . 3 WHO ARE THE ANGELS? prophecymadeeasy/chapter03.htm . 4. IS THERE A REAL DEVIL? – IS THAT JUST A JOKE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter04.htm . 5. TEN TRAPS THE DEVIL HAS PREPARED FOR YOU! prophecymadeeasy/chapter05.htm . 6. WHEN IS GOD’S JUDGMENT? prophecymadeeasy/chapter06.htm . 7. BABYLON THE GREAT IS FALLING! prophecymadeeasy/chapter07.htm . 8. WHO IS BABYLON THE GREAT? prophecymadeeasy/chapter08.htm . 9. DANIEL FORETOLD THE EXACT YEAR OF CHRIST’S DEATH! prophecymadeeasy/chapter09.htm . 10. WHERE IS JESUS NOW AND WHAT IS HE DOING? prophecymadeeasy/chapter10.htm . 11. WHAT IS GOD’S SANCTUARY? prophecymadeeasy/chapter11.htm . 12. HOW CAN YOU BE SAFE WHEN MILLIONS DIE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter12.htm . 13. ARE YOU FOOLISH OR WISE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter13.htm . 14. WHAT IS THE ARK OF THE COVENANT? prophecymadeeasy/chapter14.htm . 15. WHO IS THE BEAST OF REVELATION THIRTEEN? prophecymadeeasy/chapter15.htm , . 16. IS THE UNITED STATES SPOKEN OF IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION? prophecymadeeasy/chapter16.htm , 17. WHAT IS THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST? prophecymadeeasy/chapter17.htm 18. WHAT IS THE REAL ISSUE IN THE FINAL BATTLE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter18.htm 19. WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THE “DAM BUSTER” PLANES OF 1943? prophecymadeeasy/chapter19.htm , 20. DID CHRIST NAIL THE TEN COMMANDMENTS TO THE CROSS? prophecymadeeasy/chapter20.htm , 21. WHO ARE THE WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING? prophecymadeeasy/chapter21.htm , 22 - WHEN WILL JUDGMENT DAY COME? prophecymadeeasy/chapter22.htm , 23. WHAT REALLY HAPPENS WHEN I DIE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter23.htm , 24. WHO DID CHRIST LEAVE THE POPES IN CHARGE OF THE CHURCH ON EARTH? prophecymadeeasy/chapter24.htm, 25. WHAT IS THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON? prophecymadeeasy/chapter25.htm , 26. BABYLON IS FALLEN, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE prophecymadeeasy/chapter26.htm . 27. WHERE WILL YOU BE WHEN THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES FALL? prophecymadeeasy/chapter27.htm , 28. THE KING IS COMING!! prophecymadeeasy/chapter28.htm . 29. WHERE WILL THE SAVED SPEND A THOUSAND YEARS? prophecymadeeasy/chapter29.htm. 30. WHAT WILL WE DO IN OUR FUTURE HOME, THE NEW JERUSALEM, THE CAPITAL CITY OF THE UNIVERSE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter30.htm 31. PARADISE AT LAST! -- PLUS A PARADISE VIDEO prophecymadeeasy/chapter31.htm . 32. ERRORS ENTER THE CHURCH -- THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE! prophecymadeeasy/chapter32.htm . 33. HOW CAN WE RECEIVE GOD’S GIFT, A LIFE OF ALL POWER? prophecymadeeasy/chapter33.htm . 34. WHAT ARE THE SEVEN STEPS TO A LIFE OF ALL POWER? prophecymadeeasy/chapter34.htm . PLEASE HIGHLIGHT, COPY AND PASTE THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE INTO YOUR EMAILS AND SEND TO EVERYONE – or share it on face book. Help others read and understand God’s last warning message of Revelation 14:6-12 in EASY ENGLISH! . - Also look for my other book “What’s Next, Visions of Revelation” amazon/Whats-Next-Visions-Revelation-Walker/dp/0578073544/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408318043&sr=8-1&keywords=What%E2%80%99s+Next%2C+Visions+of+Revelation .. I will look forward to seeing you and knowing you as an eternal everlasting friend in heaven! . Your friend, Glen Walker . I consider the writings of E.G. White - priceless - Look at The Great Controversy - over 1,000 bible verses in that one book. All of us have had more education then she (a third grade education) but she, not you, not me, not the president of the U.S.A. is the most translated American author that ever lived. There are over 100 titles in circulation today and her book Steps to Christ, which I love, is in over 150 languages and has a circulation today of over 100 million copies. How many books have you or I written? -- In how many languages? I believe God was involved is this fantastic movement Revelation 12:17; 19:10. . Read several books by the author of The Great Controversy (the most translated American author that ever lived) - FREE right here from this link - preparingforeternity/ - Her book The Great Controversy is clearly the most translated Bible prophecy book (outside the Bible) in the world. It makes the future bright. God’s final message of warning to prepare those who will listen for the coming Overwhelming crisis is described in Revelation 14:6-12 as going to “every nation, and kindred, land tongue and people,” “with a loud voice.” My voice is not very loud but through the internet I am speaking to thousands every single day from nations around the world. E.G. White is dead. She died in 1915 and yet her voice is heard in nations around the world. God is still speaking through her “with a loud voice.” While I am sleeping God is still using her voice through the Word of God that she quoted in every book and magazine article she ever wrote. I first understood HOW TO BE BORN AGAIN through her book Steps to Christ -Also called “Happiness Digest” - chapter six “Faith and Acceptance” preparingforeternity/hd/hd06.htm (also available in tract form only $5 a hundred or 2,000 for a hundred dollars. . Be a Good Samaritan – save somebody’s life – be a missionary with literature – purchase these by the hundreds and or thousands – along with the Great Controversy books and distribute them everywhere - selling or giving away or taking contributions – spread them like the leaves of autumn. (There are about a couple dozen different tracts you can buy off the internet at different GLOW TRACT SITES like or . NOTICE GOD’S LAST WARNING MESSAGE IN REVELATION 14 GOES “TO EVERY NATION. . . WITH A LOUD VOICE! . “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—TO EVERY NATION, TRIBE, TONGUE, AND PEOPLE— SAYING WITH A LOUD VOICE, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” And another angel followed, saying, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Then a third angel followed them, saying WITH A LOUD VOICE, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:6-11. . WHAT WILL THIS MESSAGE ACCOMPLISH? . God says, “Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” He says that His people will have His Ten Commandment law written in their hearts (Hebrews 10:16) – They will be ready for the final crisis which brings devastation to the world just as it did in Noah’s day but ends with the second coming of Christ (Matthew 24:37-39) They will be safely surrounded and protected by mighty angels of God. – Psalm 34:7:91:10-12. . They (WE) will be ready to meet Jesus who is coming again – He says, “The harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.” And He also tells us that just He comes in the harvest that “the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” He says, “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” Matthew 13:39, 43; Daniel 12:3. . NOTICE HOW THE THREE MESSAGES OF REVELATION 14:6-12 THAT GOES “TO EVERY NATION . . . WITH A LOUD VOICE” DOES TWO THINGS (1) RESULTS IN A COMMANDMENT KEEPING PEOPLE (2) WHO ARE PREPARED FOR THE HARVEST, THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST . ”Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” Revelation 14:14-15 SUMMARY: Revelation 14:6-12 WHAT WILL THIS LOUD VOICE TO EVERY NATION (THROUGH A WIDE DISTRIBUTION OF BOOKS AND TRACTS) ACCOMPLISH? . It will prepare a people to be ready to go home to heaven with Jesus when He comes again. God will have written His law in their hearts (Hebrews 10:16) God tells us “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” (Revelation 14:12). . . GOD IS LOVE AND LOVES YOU AND IS INVITING YOU TO LIVE A LIFE OF EVERLASTING ADVENTURE!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:08:02 +0000

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