KNOW THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOURSELF AND PRAY IN FAITH Years ago while pastoring, I was called to pray for one of the members who was ill. Knowing the importance of her own confession of faith for healing, I asked, Sister, will you be healed now as I anoint you with oil and lay hands on you in Jesus Name? Well, I will if its Gods will, she answered. How are you going to find out if its His will? I asked. I thought you would pray for me, and if its His will, I will be healed. If it isnt, I wont. Under these circumstances I knew the woman was not going to receive healing. I knew her unbelief would stop the flow of Gods healing power. I wanted to talk to her and show her some things from the Word of God before I prayed for her, but she said, Go ahead and pray for me. I am in so much pain and misery. I anointed her and prayed, knowing in my heart that she wouldnt receive anything because she wasnt believing in line with the Word. I stumbled through a prayer and had hardly said amen when she said to her husband, Pete, go call the doctor. The thing that really puzzled me was that she had just gotten through saying if it was Gods will for her to be healed, He would heal her and if it wasnt, He wouldnt. She didnt get healed; therefore, by her own admission, it wasnt Gods will for her to be healed. Yet here she was calling the doctor and paying him to get her out of the will of God! According to her reasoning, it would seem she wouldnt even want to get well, because she would be getting out of Gods will. It would be wrong to buy medicine and enlist the help of the doctor to get her out of the will of God. Certainly this is a foolish line of reasoning, but this is the logic some people follow concerning prayer for their healing. As we noted before, if we want to know Gods will concerning a matter, study His Word. His Word is His will. His Word tells us it is His will to heal us. Lets not doubt His Word, but instead claim its promises for our healing. Look to the Word for Gods Will. Many people try to find the will of God by saying, If its His will Hell do it, and if its not, He wont. We should determine Gods will by looking into the Word. If I am uncertain about something, I go to the Word first. I dont pray in uncertainty, because I would be wasting my time. I could not pray in faith; I would be praying in unbelief and doubt, and it wouldnt work. When we know what Gods Word says about a matter, we know what His will is. Often people want to put all the responsibility for a matter on God, so they say, It must not have been Gods will, because I prayed, If it be thy will, do this, and He didnt do it. These people want to relieve themselves of all responsibility and put it on God. But we cant get out of it that easily. God gave us His Word and told us to Search the scriptures ... which testify of me (John 5:39). In them we learn His will. Then there are those who know what Gods Word says about a matter, yet they find it difficult to believe it will work in their case. They are like a man who knows he will need some extra money, so he goes to his banker and arranges for a loan. He does not need the money right away; he just wants to have everything ready so he will have access to it when he needs it. The man has his bankers word that everything is in order and he may pick up the money anytime he wants, but then he thinks What if he doesnt give it to me? What if he didnt mean what he said? The man will have to believe what the banker said and then act on it to get his money. Some people are like that with God. They know what He said in His Word about salvation for their loved ones, healing, or any other need they might have, but they find it difficult to believe He will do what He said He would do. But thank God, He keeps His Word! (Kenneth E Hagin)
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 09:47:42 +0000

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