KNOW THYSELF; FULLY! Master Jesus is not the sole proprietor - TopicsExpress


KNOW THYSELF; FULLY! Master Jesus is not the sole proprietor of Christ Consciousness! Only Jesus’s examples, serves as a catalyst to transform and transmigrate, us to The Divine Heavenly Father; amen! But Jesus Himself is not The Way! Only the Super-consciousness of thine own Self is The Way! When men learn the secrets and the songs of the keys of life, then... He too, can become The Christ; a Son and Daughter of God! And your small self, shall blissfully expand in the heart, throat, between the brow and the crown chakras centers: The stilled mind; the breathless stillness of thy little throbbing heart: And then suddenly you shall become Oned, with all that is! Amen. This is the true message of Jesus, Krishna, Shiva, Babaji Paramahansa, Vishnu, the Buddha and many other Siddhas and Masters who all serve the same God, the Ultimate Reality! Foolishly man awaits The Return of Christ! But there have been many Christs, born upon the Earth! And many, many more, are in Heaven now! With God; and many more are completely formless, And can assume any form and can transmigrate into any being! They are Omni pervasive; to work out the purpose of God! By guiding more underdeveloped souls along The Path to the wisdom of Self Realization, God Realization, Philosophers Stones, Universal Scrolls, and these, “The Latest Testament”! To be as, a Lamp Post and a Bridge that leads us to Immortality and a subtle body, that’s way more resistant to want, decay & death! Master Jesus… whom I love dearly! Is but one of many Christs; who all works for the same One God… whom is The Ultimate Reality! Gandhi, Mother Theresa… Master Paramahansa Yogananda (founder of: The Self Realization Fellowship)! And dispenser and bearer of the Five Phases of the Kriya Yoga Tradition MAHAVATAR Babaji; which are precious gems of scientific breathing techniques, known to the yogis as, Pranayamas! Yoga Postures for optimum flexibility, circulation and strength; And visualizing your personal Kundalini move up and down the spine in the Shushumna; and touch and spark all of the Chakras; and then send the essential energy (which is Cosmic) up the spine to the Medulla Oblongata, the forehead and the crown! The Medulla Oblongata is that High Tension Line Receptor, located at the Base of the Brain; that receives a direct stream current of Prana-Life, from the Universal Storehouse! These techniques, along with proper meatless diet, austerity, charity, all-around proper thought and good karmic actions... and raising the Kundalini up-and-down the spine, also aids in erasing bad karma! If we stay in Christ Conscious all our negative karma shall be erased! And your own actions of the practice of these highest ideals, will earn for you, the Favor of God! His supreme bliss grace, of love’s light will heave high in your chest! But not with pride and self-pride, but from the inflow of Light, Bliss and Super-Conscious... of Ethereal Cool Heaving, Breaths! Amen. And that state of being is Light! And shall reflect in your eyes, face, words and accomplishments! And your deeds shall be as a fresh bouquet fragrance, emitting rays of super charged cells! And your tissue and organs will become super charged photon light emissions! And be Oned with the highest vibration of the Deity... becoming Oned with I AM; and transverse the Universes Cosmos, at will! And then return at the speed of thought back to this space and time! And become immortal and everlasting... just-as-is The Father! This is our essential birthright; know that, I and The Father are one! Now, you have just been led, Beside the Still Waters! The rest is up to you, my friends. Through this light sagacity, I hear the Voice of The Source of all wisdom and Power! All fear… is to be cast out of our minds! As befitting a man, chosen by God, the Most High! Taken from The Latest Testament By: Baron De Extremus Importare Available on e-book & Kindle. Go to bookstore.xlibris/Products/SKU-0087063050/The-Latest-Testament.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:22:50 +0000

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