KNOW UR DISCIPLINE!!!History is d record of encounter b/w - TopicsExpress


KNOW UR DISCIPLINE!!!History is d record of encounter b/w characters nd circumstances-Donald Creighton.History is d self-consciousness of humanity.In actual point of fact,for d historian,it is an article of faith dat d knowledge of d past is key 2 understanding d present.little wonder,Karl Marx point out dat:d consciousness of d past weighs like nightmare on d brain of d living.B dat as it may,intl relations is study of world community in transition.It attempt 2 investigate d impulse,stimulus nd needs 4 change nd continuity,it explains d dynamism of d global village,lookin d nature of inter-connectedness.As a mata of emphasis,it serves as a meltin point 4 all disiplines.It locate d changin nature of war nd pace,conflict nd cooperation,arms race,military strategy,foreign policy nd national interest etc.Diplomacy on d oda hand,deals essentially on efforts aimed at eradicatin war while vigorously pursuin peace.It embraces negotiation,arbitration,dialogue,compromise nd tactful dealings.Diplomats always opined dat:diplomacy is d art of lettin someone else av ur way.On dis note,our argument is quite in consonance wit d opinionof d Great Winston Churchill wen remarked dat; study history,study history cus in history lies all d secrets of statecraft.Pls b ever consciously proud of bin an asprin diplmat nd historian.God bless u all.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:30:02 +0000

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