KNOW WHO YOU ARE... :-) Why are so many of us struggling? - TopicsExpress


KNOW WHO YOU ARE... :-) Why are so many of us struggling? Who we are is our True and Authentic Self that is always connected and one with Source Energy. On the other hand, who we THINK we are is how we show up in life. If we are struggling we will never be who we are. Let that sink in for a moment. Who we THINK we are comes from listening to other people rather than listening to ourselves. For a large portion of my life I believed what others told me to believe. I learned early that what other people think of me is more important that what I think of myself. At least this is what I thought. Living in the Flow and living in abundance is about focusing on WHO YOU ARE and what you can do in this moment. It is not about who you are not, what you cannot do, and what you dont have. Everything hinges on your ability to be yourself and to do that you must become intimately aware of the false beliefs you have about yourself and about the way life works. When you live in the Flow and in Alignment with Source Energy you know you already have what you need. People who live in the Flow and in Alignment are more than just positive thinkers - they are attraction in action. They accept life is not always easy and doesnt always follow a straight and convenient path. They let life unfold through them instead of putting their life into a box of expectations. You dont need to prove anything to anyone - even yourself. I am here to tell you one thing - you and everyone that comes in contact with you are already great. To live your greatness, you must know WHO YOU ARE and you must do what you can do in THIS MOMENT. Nothing else is required. Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! Truly Caring for Your Success! Dr. Robert Anthony P.S. Low Self-Confidence holds so many dreams hostage.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 07:22:58 +0000

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