KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Honor and respect to the royal sons and - TopicsExpress


KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Honor and respect to the royal sons and daughters spread out north, east, west and south with peace and love. Greetings to all who care to join in this feast of knowledge. Many of us living in the world today may know that December 10th is Human Rights Day and many of us may not; some of us probably saw it highlighted on a calendar and never did the research to find out the significance of it. I congratulate those of you who took time and know, but it is our duty to make everyone aware. “Leading a horse to water and getting him to drink”. December 10th is celebrated yearly as Human Rights Day since the first year of its adoption by the Plenary Meeting of the General Council in 1915 (In honor of December 10, 1948 which was the first year the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (UDHR) came to act). To obtain a full joy of Human Rights Day, one must first have a foundation of what the UDHR is and what it consist of; how it came about and why. After World War II the General Assembly of the United Nations decided that in order to avert another war of such brutality, certain rights should bee given to all human beings. Therefore a committee of persons including Eleanor Roosevelt (US) and other state/country heads came up with 30 articles which make up the UDHR. On December 10, 1948 at the UN General Assembly at the Palais de Chaillot Paris, France; the 30 articles of the UDHR and two others were granted active law as the International Bill of Human Rights. Now that we know the how and why, lets concentrate on the what! What are my rights as a human being? How can I use them to uplift myself and those around me? Whatever questions you can come up with, they can all be answered; its all up to you. The UDHR is a common standard for all people and all nations. Note: word sound in parenthesis are my personal thoughts and brief summation of the article Article 1: Right to equality. (what’s good for you should be good for me. Equally lets all get a share) Article 2: Freedom from Discrimination. Article 3: Right to life, liberty and personal security. (lets stop taking life for granted, it’s too precious). Article 4: Freedom from slavery. ( no one should be kept in servitude in no way or form). Article 5: Freedom from torture and degrading treatment. Article 6: Right to recognition as a person before the law. (You are a person first and foremost and should be treated as such). Article 7: Everyone has the right to equality before the law. (yes, this law is being broken… every time you turn on the news young minorities claim police brutality. Stand for your Rights! Know your Rights! You have the right to be treated equally, let them know it). Article 8: Right to remedy by a competent tribunal. (this may be one of the most frequently used articles. It seems like almost everyone is suing someone. “I will see you in court!” and such and such. You have 29 other articles that can be used to uplift yourselves). Article 9: Freedom from arbitrary arrest or exile. (you should always be told what the charges for arrest are. Officers can’t put cuffs on you and haul you away for nothing; but if the arrest is clean article 10 should help. Article 10: Right to a fair and public trial. (and during these fair trials or hearings you have the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty which is article 11). Article 11: Right to be considered innocent until proven guilty in the courts of law. Article 12: Freedom from interference with privacy; yours, your family, your home and correspondences. (we see this a lot on television, on law shows, evidence being thrown out because of illegal wire taps. Simply put, you have the right to your privacy. But lets face it, everything is not in black and white. We must add color. Laws are enforced differently in different states, countries, and provinces. Free yourself and stay out of trouble; which can be interpreted differently and you will be able to move around as a free man). Article 13: Right to free movement in and out of any country. Article 14: Right to asylum in other countries from persecution within your country. Article 15: Right to a nationality and the freedom to change it. Article 16: Right to marriage and building a family. Article 17: Right to own property. (get yourself some land, build a house - children need shelter. No one Shall be arbitrarily deprived of his/her property). Article 18: Freedom of belief and religion. (Everyone has the right to decide his or her own destiny. Your also have the right to change your belief or religion as you see fit). Article 19: Freedom of opinion and information. (Print a T-Shirt, wear it proud. Wear a badge “Free the black nation” “Repatriate to Africa”. Go ahead express yourself! It’s your right! ). Article 20: Right of peaceful assembly and association. (The protest on Wall Street was a good recent example of people coming together in a peaceful assembly to voice their view of likes and dislikes). Article 21: Right to participate in government and in free elections. Article 22: Right to social security. (Different countries call it by different names: social security (United States), national insurance (Bahamas). Find out if your country has it. If there is no social security, you have the right to take it up with your representatives as it’s your right as a human living in society. Your country should have it for you). Article 23: You have the right to look for and to get desirable work and to form and join trade unions to make sure the workplace remains desirable. Article 24: Right to rest and leisure. (Everyone in the working world has heard the talk “all work and no play” but seriously, its your human right to rest. Don’t burn yourself out. Take time to recharge the battery. Know about your work packages, use your time off; even donkeys know when to say enough. How superior are you to the donkey working man, working woman. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Article 25: Right to adequate living standards. Article 26: Right to an education. (You have a right to learn, Lets learn!). Article 27: Cultural freedom and the right to own your ideas. (Copyright) Article 28: Right to social order ensuring human rights. Article 29: Right to the essential development of your community. (This article is taken for granted when we in the community see something needing attention and we as individuals say “let someone else deal with it, its not my problem”. WRONG! You abuse your human right when you don’t do anything to uplift your community. Article 30: Freedom from interference from state to have human rights. (Basically, Article 30 is the summary of the UDHR). There we have it, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thirty articles written to ensure a worldwide respect between all. Knowing is still half the battle, we have to now enforce these laws and to ensure that these laws are being followed by each country. It is your right and as a member of society within your country, it is your responsibility to ensure that these rights are never overlooked or undermined. Blessed Human Rights Day! Hon. Prophet Prophet Lion E.A.B.I.C Miami Branch
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 18:54:04 +0000

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