KNOWING THE GENUINE TRUTH ROOTED IN THESE HORRIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES BEARS HEALING, FREEDOM, AND DEEPLY NEEDED PEACE!! Rev. Al Sharpton is not a Civil Rights leader...lets not get it twisted. He was a coke dealer that got busted and turned snitch...then with his incarceration education he got his start in the limelight as a lying lawyer representing a black girl falsely accusing white cops of rape and torture...and Rev. Al Sharpton used this false witness to divide and disrupt communities across the Nation...with Spike Lee making his movie message to Fight the Powers that Be with Public Enemy providing the lyrics...all this violence and unrest because of a lie presented to America by this Government funded Civil Rights Leader...but Al Sharpton is not a civil rights leader...hes a Civil Unrest Leader...and why hes being funded and supported by Obama, who told the protesters to stay the course’. As well as a black Attorney General who has demonized police while glorifying the lawlessness of those paid and cause uprisings not only in Ferguson but across the Nation...and if we had some real investigative reporters we would find out that a big percentage of the funds Obama has claimed that he needs to fight ISIS is going to be used to pay and organize these protests...these necessary for the toppling of the current government (the powers that be) and replace it with the preferred religious government of the United Nations...Islamic Socialism...Obama did it in Turkey, in Libya, in Egypt, and in Syria. Paying protesters to cause civil unrest...not to protest in demand for Civil Rights as promised by the Constitution...(they already have preferred status) they riot in attempt to abolish the Constitution (and why Obama has told them to stay the course)...they arent protesting for Justice...they are protesting trying to abolish our Justice System of due process, and replace it with might is right, and the masses will determine what Justice these protesters dont want Justice...nor peace...they want to dismantle our Country, abolish our Constitution and outlaw our Christianity...and these protests are not about equality...because they already enjoy preferential status for over 50 years now called Affirmative Action...justified reverse racism....they want equality...they want supremacy...or as Civil Unrest Leader Al Sharpton sad...Just because youre black dont mean youre one of us....and make no mistake...Al Sharpton is being paid and funded by your tax dollars (also given a free ride by Obamas I.R.S. who makes up for the losses by targeting and discriminating against White Conservative Christians...foreclosing on their homes and churches and giving them as subsidies, changing churches into Islamic centers...and this is why Obama needs Al Sharpton...because nobody else can do what Al Sharpton has done in the past...organize people to cause an uprising based on a lie...or that equality has been denied to them...or that our Justice System is flawed and must be done away with...that our Constitution is inferior to the laws of Allah, that our Christianity is an insult, an unforgivable sin punishable by death…that we must surrender lands or wealth in exchange for peace...that we must surrender our rights and freedoms in exchange for security from their uprisings and jihads...and that is extortion and also a crime...and we dont negotiate with terrorist...or those who harbor such terrorist and enemies of We the People…and we refuse to pay these Civil Unrest Leaders to cause racial division and civil unrest, inciting citizens to violence all under false pretenses that they want something that they don’t already have…instead of being transparent and admitting the reason and purpose for these organized riots is the same reason they used for causing the same kind of civil unrest in the Arab World…and it’s not because of a YouTube video insulting them…it’s because they are being paid and organized to incite violence, unrest and yes…war…that’s the typical M.O. of this destroyer of Nations…this Islamic law…and America is experiencing the same strategy and conflict yet unaware of the reality of the reason or the logic of the likes of Al Sharpton.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:55:21 +0000

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