KNOWING WHO TO MARRY AND KEEPING WHO YOU HAVE IN MIND Sola is not happy at all. She is getting older and nobody seems to be showing up. In her church, nobody seems to be looking her way. She wondered whether all the brothers in church are blind. The guys that seem to be interested in her are the unserious ones who are not really spiritual at all. Out of frustration and fear of staying unmarried, she decided to change church, so that she would probably be able to see others that would be interested in her. On the other hand, Buddy goes to church but does not belong to any unit. All he wants to do is find a girl with whom he will settle down. He goes late to church every Sunday, towards the end of the service, when the church is full, sits at the back and scans through the congregation looking for the appropriate complexion and statistics. In the above scenarios, both approaches are wrong! You don’t attend service or worship in a church because you are looking for someone! It is wrong to go all over searching for a spouse like you are searching for something lost. Is it wrong to find a spouse in church? No! But it is unhealthy for you to go to a church or any other place with the sole intention of searching for a spouse. Pro 18:22 KJV Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. The scripture says, ‘he that finds…’ and not ‘he that searches…’ So how does one find without searching? By being yourself and by being natural. Serve God because you love Him. Develop friendships, and you will eventually find a friend without searching. Don’t be desperate. God knows your spousal needs! God is not naïve about that at all. He knows who the best is for you! You dont attend church because you want to marry. It is perfectly alright to meet your spouse in church, but that should not be your sole reason for attending church. You attend church because you love God and desire to know Him more. When your reason for coming into the presence of God is off beam, then you are not going to have His support. While knowing Him more, you will always get to know your spouse. That was my personal experience. I just never prayed for once about who to marry and all that. It’s okay to pray if you want, it is not as if it is wrong, but it was just never an issue for me because I wanted a relationship after school. I was just busy serving God, genuinely and with a sincere heart. I was in the technical department of our hall fellowship, I was the one that would arrange the benches and sometimes sweep the venue of the fellowship, I would draw paintings and make posters for decoration, I would wake people up for morning devotions and so many other things. I was not a pastor and I had no clue I would become one, but I was just consumed with serving God and making things work. While serving God, and this is the truth, and the only way I can explain it, God actually interrupted me! He began to talk to me and showed me who my wife is! And even after that, I refused to take any action for nine months because it is one thing for God to show you and it is another thing for God to tell you to make a move! God speaks ahead of time, and He will reveal things to you because you are His child and you have His Spirit indwelling. The implication is that you might know about your spouse-to- be when your spouse-to-be is not actually ready. You must decipher whether the burden in your heart is just information He reveals or information to act on! When you make a move at a wrong time, it may not work out, and yet it could have been God’s will! Learning to hear God speak to you is the best thing that can ever happen to you as a single and as married person. And that is why it is important to learn to hear God in other areas of your life and not just in the area of relationships. As married couples, do not allow the busy schedules of work and business to steal your time of fellowship and worshipping in His presence. Do not miss church for anything. That is where your refuel, recharge and get rejuvenated. The moment you have not been attending church, you have not been reading your Bible, you have not been praying, something is deeply wrong somewhere. Doesn’t God understand how busy I am? He doesn’t understand! Nothing should take you away from His presence because He wants you to last! God didn’t give you a marriage, work or business so that you will be taken away from His presence. What God wants is that everything you do or are involved in should enhance your relationship with Him!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:46:11 +0000

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