KNOWING WHO YOU ARE “The Spirit Himself bears witness with - TopicsExpress


KNOWING WHO YOU ARE “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. And if children, then heirs-heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.” Romans 8:16&17 (NKJV) Contrary to peoples opinion of you or what you think of yourself, God sees you in seven distinct ways, which you must of necessity give attention to. If you are indeed in Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells in you, you are more than anybodys imagination. In Gods eyes you are called Romans 8:28-30, foreknown Romans 8:28-30, predestined Romans 8:28-30, conformed Romans 8:28-30, justified Romans 8:28-30, glorified Romans 8:28-30, and a god. Psalm 82:6 This is who you are in Gods eyes, therefore you must live up to your redemptive status. When God called Moses, He told him that He was sending him to Pharaoh as a god. Exodus 7:1 God called Moses a god because he was going to Pharaoh on His behalf. And all that Moses did in Egypt to deliver Israel from bondage could only be done by God Himself. Exodus 7-12Moses lived as a god till he died. Until you fully surrender to the voice of God you cannot reach your full potentials in Christ. You are redeemed to live and make impact as Christ did on earth. Samuel became one of the greatest prophets in Israel by yielding to the call of God. David became the greatest king in Israel by following God with all his heart. Daniel became an enigma in Babylon because He knew his God. Those three leaders became great men in their generations because they saw themselves the way God saw them. Whats your relationship with God since you believed? Are you growing in the faith or you are still an infant? Are you seeking for miracles or you are walking with God of miracles? Are you winning souls for the LORD or you are corrupting destinies? When last did you have a two way conversation with God? Are you living up to Gods expectation? If you don’t have clear answers to all these questions, then you need to repent and return to God. You need to ask for forgiveness and amend your ways. Its not too late to ask for Gods mercy and be restored. Do it now! Todays Memory Verse: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love. Ephesians 1:3&4 (NKJV) PRAYER POINT: Sanctify my heart by your word O Lord. Enlighten my mind to see me the way You see me. Give me grace to walk with You. Sustain me by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 01:36:56 +0000

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