KNOWLEDGE One day a smart guy said; Real knowledge is to know - TopicsExpress


KNOWLEDGE One day a smart guy said; Real knowledge is to know the extent of ones ignorance. .... and he added; Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and Im not sure about the universe.. Albert Einstein Evidence showing that the dollar could lose its status as the world’s reserve currency by PL Chang One of the biggest signs that the dollar could lose its status as the world’s reserve currency is the action of the BRICS. Recently, the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) came together at a summit in Brazil to establish a new development bank to compete with the IMF and World Bank. The meeting was a success and is one of the most important financial news since the creation of the IMF and World Bank. However, the western mainstream media barely cover this world changing event. Why is that you may ask? Because the western mainstream media is highly controlled by the banking Elites. If we don’t allow the new development bank of BRICS to become corrupt like the IMF and World Bank, it will give many struggling countries access to funds to finance their economic development projects and therefore strengthening their economy. This could usher a new age in which any country can prosper without being destroyed by fraudulent debt. Some other big signs that many countries are abandoning the dollar or are thinking about it can be found in the energy market and gold-backed sovereign wealth funds. Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Europe, and many other countries are now taking actions or are in the process of taking actions to exclude the dollar from energy trading. The emergence of digital cryptocurrencies (e.g, bitcoin) is another sign that the dollar could lose its status as the world’s reserve currency. If used correctly, cryptocurrencies could replace conventional currencies, because cryptocurrencies don’t need a centralized entity (e.g., central bank) to operate. Most cryptocurrencies can do this because they are open source and aren’t controlled by anyone, just like the Internet. Cryptocurrencies are becoming popular very fast due to their little transaction fees and flexibility. Unlike traditional currencies, you can send cryptocurrencies to anyone in the world without going through a financial institution. Since cryptocurrencies are digital, as long as the person have an internet connection and the right software, you can exchange cryptocurrencies with that person. Many big companies are already accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment option for their customers. Dell and Overstock are two big companies that have just recently accepted cryptocurrencies. PayPal, eBay, and Dish Network are planning to accept them in the very near future. One very important case that could destroy the Federal Reserve central banks and their criminal empire is the trillion dollar lawsuit filed in the US District Court in Manhattan, New York by Neil Keenan. This brave individual is at the forefront of a worldwide movement to dismantle the Controllers’ central banking system, which is run by the malicious faction of the Illuminati, the Zionists, and other malicious factions of secret societies. What will happen if the dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency? If the dollar collapses and loses its status as the world’s reserve currency, countries that rely heavily on the value of the dollar will experience major inflation. In extreme cases, it could lead to hyperinflation. The United States is the country that will suffer the most if the dollar collapses. Countries that rely heavily on the value of the dollar will also suffer, which is why many countries are starting to abandon the dollar. In the United States, most of us don’t understand that the reason why many commodities are cheaper here is because the dollar is the world’s reserve currency; therefore, it is almost accepted everywhere. As a result, we Americans can consume as much as we want and buy as much as we want without worrying about our currency dramatically losing its value. If other people from another country try to consume as much as they want without producing just as much, their currency’s purchasing power would dramatically decrease, because it isn’t the world’s reserve currency. When the value of a country’s currency decreases, the people living in that country will suffer due to inflation. SUGGESTIONS -KEEP SOME FOOD SUPPLY/INVEST IN FARMLAND/PRECIOUS METAL
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:02:44 +0000

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