KNUT/SRC/915/9/2014. August 25, 2014. Mr. Gabriel K. - TopicsExpress


KNUT/SRC/915/9/2014. August 25, 2014. Mr. Gabriel K. Lengoiboni, CBS., Secretary/Chief Executive, Teachers Service Commission, Private Bag, NAIROBI. Dear Gabriel, CONCLUSION OF THE CBA FOR TEACHERS AS CONTAINED IN THE RETURN TO WORK FORMULA DATED JULY 18, 2013: You are aware that we signed a “Return to Work Agreement” between the Teaches Service Commission (TSC) and the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) on July 18, 2013. Under part II (4), it was clearly stated that……”The parties agree on and obtain registration of a conclusive Collective Bargaining Agreement as required by the law within Ninety days (90) from the date hereof” which ended on October 16, 2013. Further, you are equally aware of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, Circular No. SRC/ADM/CIR/1/13/118 dated March 21, 2014 on Determination and Review of Remuneration in the Public Service. We wish to specifically draw your attention to No. 2 which states and we quote……”All Collective Bargaining Agreements that cover the period from 1st July, 2013 onwards must be negotiated within the framework of the Commission’s guidelines and cover a cycle of four (4) years”…..Enclosed herein please find a copy of the circular for ease of reference. We further wrote a letter ref. No. KNUT/TSC/60/47/2014 dated April 24, 2014 reminding you about a follow-up meeting which to date you have not responded to (a copy is herein enclosed for ease of reference). The teachers are restless and are continuously making inquiries as to whether the TSC is about to conclude the review of their salaries, allowances and other terms and conditions of service which has remained static for more than ten years. Please, note that teachers expected us to have concluded a new CBA within 90 days from July 18, 2013 as stipulated by the Return to Work Agreement. The 214th NEC meeting held on August 20, 2014 directed us to demand for the conclusion of negotiations. We believe that it is within you to forestall any upheavals in the education sector, more so in third term when examinations are running. In the light of the a foregoing and aware that by now we should have concluded a CBA which should last from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2017, the KNUT therefore makes an unequivocal demand that you call the consultative committee meeting within 21 days from the date of this letter, Monday August 25, 2014. A fully concluded CBA should be signed by all parties by the expiry of the said period. Yours sincerely, WILSON SOSSION SECRETARY GENERAL K.N.U.T. Prof. Jacob T. Kaimenyi, PhD, FICD, EBS, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education, P.O. Box 30040, NAIROBI. Hon. KazunguKambi, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Labour, NSSF Building, NAIROBI. Dr. BelioKipsang, Principal Secretary, State Department of Education, NAIROBI. Mrs. Sara J. C. Serem, EBS., Chairperson. Salaries and Remuneration Commission, P.O. Box 43126, NAIROBI. Dr. Salome Gichura, Ag. Chairperson, Teachers Service Commission Private Bag NAIROBI. The National Chairman, KNUT Head Office, The National Treasurer, KNUT Head Office.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 08:37:06 +0000

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