KOCHS NAZI PARTY THE BIRTCHERS WAS STARTED BY FRED KOCH DURING FDR ERA! Missy Saugus BREAD BAGGER ALERT | THE BIRCHERS NEED TO WIN only another 50 seats to reach majority status in the House of Representatives. They hold 168 seats now. Thats 50 more seats to reach majority status without support from Business Republicans. Here is the present breakdown: · Regular Democrats (now 160 Members) · Business Democrats (28 Members) · Business Republicans (78 Members) · Birch Society Republicans (168 Members) There is one vacancy from the Michael Grimm resignation (NY-13, Staten Island.) Business Republicans and Business Democrats taken together, fittingly, now constitute 24% of the House. They have top positions and little power. The Birchers vote anti-government, anti-immigration, anti-compromise, anti-tax and anti-business fees. The Birchers pro-billionaire agenda is not the mainstream Republican businessmens agenda. They differ with the Business Members on matters related to campaign financing, selections for SCOTUS, individual tax loop holes, most federal regulations, thinking that Democrats are commies/Sharia-ists, and generally believing whether or not a No Governance Model should be inflicted on America. They do agree with Business Republicans where it comes to vote suppression schemes. They vote for high military budgets. The John Birch Society is certifiably insane, or just sociopathic, or psychopathic. Take your pick. From the April 2011 JBS Bulletin: The history of the socialist movement in the U.S. is one of advocating mandatory public education. Recall that it is the tenth step toward communizing any country outlined by Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto…The aim of the Conspiracy has always been to break down the old social order and replace it with the anti-God system of socialism. Kindergarten was part of the breakdown of the old social order and it included that indoctrination of children at an ever-younger age away from their parents. Yeah, okay, time to get real. You can read more here: dailykos/…/-John-Birch-Society-R-America-s-T…#
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 01:06:10 +0000

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