KONES PROMISED TO RESTRUCTURE NATIONAL WATER CONSERVATION AND PIPELINE CORPORATION: The new Chairman of National Water and Pipeline Corporation have sent a warning a clear message to the lords of corruption in the water sector that his parastatal will no longer be a place of siphoning public funds. Dr.Kones also announced that his parastatal will undergo a major restructuring right from the management to the lower cadres so that the organization can deliver in serving the public with efficiency, transparency and accountability. The Chairman revealed that there is a plan to revive a number of stall projects across the country. This is the construction of large dams starting with Chemosuswa in Baringo and another one in Kajiado. The stall projects which will be completed within the next one year according the new Chairman are large dams in Marsabit, Kitui, West Pokot, and the one in Koru which will also be used to supply Hydro electricity and Irrigation. A big Dam will be constructed in Londiani Kericho county and another one in Nzoia Western Kenya. Dr. Kones said that Nzoia project will not only be used to supply water but its is significant because the dam will also be used to control flood in Western region. Other projects in pipeline which is to be completed within a period of one year are Kilifi, Isiolo and many others. Dr.Kones said that it was his priority to double the volume ofwater accessible to all Kenyans within the next five years adding that there are 43 small dams and 76 boreholes to be constructed. All these projects are spread allover the country. Dr. Kones said that the only challenge in his new docket is funding. He revealed that 100% of the water projects are funded by the government adding that the government is committed to deliver what they had promised earlier of providing water to every household as per the Jubilee Manifesto. The new Chairman who took office early last week said that he want to be evaluated by the end of his three years period given to him by the appointing authority. Dr. Kones was speaking at the Prison Officers Mess along Langata Road on Friday night when he was invited by his friends from Kericho and Bomet to celebrate his new appointment as the Head of National Water and Pipeline Corporation.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 09:06:11 +0000

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