KOZMIC TROOTHS, or something like that, if I may! This - TopicsExpress


KOZMIC TROOTHS, or something like that, if I may! This presentation is not written by an educated person so please do not anticipate that this presentation will be a quality presentation. An introduction to myself seems pointless and unnecessary, however there will be those who insist that any source must be verified and held accountable. I agree with that but I would further insist that ultimately it is the reader of this who must be that source of accountability for accepting, or rejecting, these concepts as they are being offered. I am only doing my best attempt at offering a point of view as I see it and understand these issues for myself! I intend to offer that the Truth is everywhere, in everything, in you and in me, and instead of using words like God, Religion, Spiritual or such phrases, I choose to use the word Truth only, and I am comfortable with it as all sects and theories ultimately represent that they offer the Truth, so the use of the word Truth is most comfortable for me. You are welcome to sort out your own confusions about this but please understand I am not interested in initiating debates on that subject. As for me, personally, it is not important that I attempt anything except to encourage you to see these things for yourself and that it can be done and you really must “see for yourself” and there will not be any other way for you to accomplish this condition I would offer as “becoming aware,” except for yourself! What I intend to offer (and then some) is something that I have not seen being offered anywhere else, so that tends to make me uneasy about why there seems to be an absence of this understanding elsewhere and why do I not see it being represented by others who offer visions, theories, opinions and so on in how to become aware of what life is all about! I have, however seen elsewhere something very close to what I am about to “put on the table” and I will add it to my presentation shortly afterwards so a comparison can be made. (You know, for your more serious consideration) I have seen, or pondered over, this concept since early childhood and really did not understand it but as I grew older it made more and more sense. This began for me when my grandmother read the Bible to me and I will never forget the very first words “In the Beginning!” Those words “In the Beginning” stuck to me as if to be some sort of tormentor and they seemed to have a significance of far more importance than I would understand for many years. Historically speaking, there was a Beginning and I am certain we can all agree to that. However afterwards, this Beginning was followed by a “Becoming” and as far as that goes I find it incredible that anyone would disagree that if there is a real meaning to life, then the best place to start to try and understand it is to understand the Beginning and what came after, and why these events are not anything but of the most significant importance. So, if I may, there is a poor description of an historical event that did in fact happen and it is something that we all participated in or we would not be here reading this right now. Further, it has affected all of us because it did happen. I also see that not only did this “Beginning” happen and that it was followed by a “Becoming” I would like to add that not only are you already a participant in this event but that you are also a living witness to it. So I am not offering something that you do not already truly know because it is as much a significant part of your life as it is a significant part of my life and it did in fact actually happen. Naturally, you were not a physical entity when this Beginning happened but you were there and conscious of this event whether you remember it now, this way, or not! This is, in fact, and history a common experience to all of us! (Without any exceptions) I see that after this Beginning it was followed by a “Mass Becoming” where I also find the right choice of words rather difficult but if you could accept that before the Becoming there was Awareness, as it is, being aware of all that is however it was somewhat of a “self awareness” only. Being Aware of others in a condition of “Co-existence” was not a possible experience until after the Becoming. (a mass “Becoming” and the beginning of “self-awareness” and “awareness of others” for the legion of souls, beings, entities) After the Becoming it was for the very first time possible to be aware of another, besides self only. Co-existence was the intentionally made manifest condition after the Becoming and it is best to understand this is how it is: We are not alone - it is basic cooperative spirituality - other beings have the same significance and necessity for the well being of all that we all also have in common with each other! It has been said that God made us in his own image. At least that is a concept I am offering in that we are all the same, without exception and we are all Spiritual Siblings to each other where our own becoming is a very real historical event that did happen and what I intend to offer is that this must be understood for what it is and what it means to all of us as it is the Truth, it did happen and we are all on a journey (a spiritual journey) to become fully aware (wake up) and have experiences so as to assist each of us, and each other, to become aware - not towards what we may become, but what we already are. (Tough choice of words for me) Each of us have set out to complete our own becoming and this is a simple explanation of the purpose of our lives - to gain experience and understanding so that our own individual Awareness can become complete and we will recognize that our own significance is the same as it is with others. Co-existence is the complete Truth, not just existence! If I may, at this point I would like to offer that if this is true then what does it all mean to us? The purpose of life is to become aware of it and to complete your own “Becoming!” You were made already perfect and you were not created to be “saved” and no one is going to come along and “save” you and there is no event coming that is going to change any of this for you. GET THIS STRAIGHT AND YOU MAKING SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS AT UNDERSTANDING THE TRUTH! For it is now your turn the learn and see the Truth and not only can it be done, you must be the one that does this for yourself! It is impossible for anyone else to do this for you and there is an excellent reason for this! Now, why is this significant or important? Let me offer that the rules are “anything goes” and you must learn to make choices and decisions where the rules “anything goes” are not a problem for you. Tough row to hoe, is it not? That is until you realize that the most power you will ever have is learning to say NO, not me, not that way, and not ever again! The hardest part of this will be learning to say NO to yourself! Don’t get angry, Don’t get lazy, Don’t get greedy, etc., etc. You must learn “self control” or you are going to suffer those many consequences for not doing so! The Truth is this simple and that is all there is to it. I understand that it is a bit tough when the senses (in the physical form only) are demanding you satisfy them and you are so eager to do so and it seems like denying your self is not the best way to learn the truth. I AM STATING THAT SELF CONTROL, NOT SELF DENIAL, SHOULD NOT BE MISUNDERSTOOD HERE! If you had any idea what you already truly are and what you already truly have then not much of these experiences in the physical form would appeal to you anyway, except for the opportunities to learn, experience and grow, but if you do not know and it makes very little sense to you it can be confusing. I would offer that the Sun could go Supernova tomorrow and blow all of this, as you know it now, completely away and it would change absolutely nothing, except for your opportunities to see the Truth for yourself under these conditions and circumstances. Here is where the real problems begin, as I see these things! You see we all have these Spiritual Siblings who have “grown” at a faster pace than many others and they became more experienced and more aware than many of their Spiritual Siblings and some of these “Spiritual Siblings” considered how easy it is to take advantage of and exploit those who are “less aware” than they have become. While others of these same Spiritual Siblings “saw the bigger picture” and chose not to take advantage and exploit the unaware but rather have chosen to assist those who are “less aware” to become aware so that they may complete their own becoming and not be deceived, or taken advantage of, by their own Spiritual Siblings, anymore. There are no angels, demons, wizards and fairies except in fantasy only. Your tormenters and adversaries are your own Spiritual Siblings and they know they have no more power, or control, over you than you have over them! They are not confused about this, you are! This is a significant matter to consider because “we are in this experience together” and we must co-exist the right way and for the right reasons and it is of the utmost importance that we master the art of self control and the skill of co-existing, or we are doomed to suffer those consequences, so to speak. There is no real profound meaning to Life and the Truth of it except for this simple understanding of it. It is that way! There is no Evil and Evil does not exist! However, there is a serious misunderstanding and confusion over the consequences of “Not Being Aware!” You see there is, in fact, a very real and true “Spiritual Conflict” going on and the cooperators are in conflict with the competitors. Please do not look for any other profound mysteries and complex conditions to explain why there is so much discord in life because I just explained to you why it came about and why it exists to begin with. That is all there is to this, nothing more complex or confusing! I would not want my own children to be confused about this and I can assure you I am not confused about the why and, what for, of all this. I am only having problems and frustrated that those I love the most are often unable to comprehend this is the truth that we all need to know about. There are THOSE FIRST FEW BABY STEPS TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON AND WHY!!!!!! If you do not grasp this completely, then your own Spiritual Journey is going to be much more complex and confusing and far less focused as it could be and should be! I would offer that a good understanding of this provides an excellent foundation for understanding much of what is really “going on!” And why there is a serious need for all to see this Beginning and Becoming for what it is and means to each of us! These competitors are very determined and intent to maintain life where there are opportunities to take advantage of, and exploit, the unaware. Entire philosophies, doctrines, educational systems, political systems, religious systems and cultures have been founded on these very principals. Anyone should be able to see this as true for themselves and it is an extremely beneficial and healthy thing not to be confused about this in any way. This is a Truth you can see for yourself and understand for yourself anytime you need proof - just look at what is going on around you! I must insist that even though there are many ways to approach the Truth, seeing this for yourself is quite a bit like an initiation into the Truth itself. I would only offer here, that this is as excellent an understanding to have when beginning, or continuing, the advancement of your own successful becoming! It is significant, true, and an accurate foundation of understanding that we all are dealing with no matter from what direction your life is being experienced. Understanding that interaction with others is a far more important consideration to be taken seriously than it may appear to so many. (Far too many) The more anyone relies upon their government, institutions and religions to do anything right, or correctly, the more one must face the cold hard facts that the government does not intend to do anything correctly except to maintain control over the unaware citizen at any cost, or sacrifice! Encouraging the unaware to stay unaware is a highly developed skill executed with the utmost intelligence, diligence and experience! You are most certainly subjected to these conditions as a well planned out and well executed confrontation to your own existence. What is most effective about this is that you are not blinded to it as it is being done right out in the open and you refuse to believe that this is actually what is happening to you and why it is happening to you this way. I sincerely offer that the Government is not really making errors that are not intentional, as the Government knows what it is doing and is doing exactly what it intends to do. The Government also knows that the only power it has is over the unaware masses and that any attempt to change this form of government only increases their power over you and feeds their energy and determination to dominate you. Saying no, and choosing not to live that way makes the bad Governments powerless and it most truly is the only way you have to successfully not be subject to its abuses of power. You are guilty of submitting to these conditions that is only freely given to your adversaries by your own consent, laziness or apathy, anyway. (It is the weak human nature that gives them this power over you.) Cooperation versus competition! As long as people are apathetic and foolish, bad Government will have power in this world. When people realize that they can choose who to support and associate with, and most especially who they can say NO to, the bad system will not actually change but instead it will cease to exist! [I said my peace on this] It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt. -- (John Philpot Curran: Speech upon the Right of Election, 1790) YOU ARE NOT BEING CONFRONTED WITH A SPIRITUAL PROBLEM THAT IS COMPLEX, IMPOSSIBLE, UNJUST OR EVEN UNFAIR! All you have to do is “wake up” to what is really happening and why it is happening and you can change your relationship to it! What you have to deal with is finally understanding, very clearly, that you are actually agreeing to subject yourself to these doctrines and way of life where some of the more aware have discovered a truly convenient way of life for themselves where all they must do in order to maintain it is “sucker the unaware to consent to it!” Again, nothing profound here, just the simple facts! You are actually in a situation where, being unaware, you are consenting to your own failure and it is your fault that it is happening to you and it is no one else’s fault since it is you who should know better and yet you are the GUILTY VICTIM OF YOUR OWN CHOICES! It is so simple and easy to become aware of this and start learning to simply begin to change your life by changing your awareness of it! Is there any other way to “rise above this condition?” THE ANSWER IS NO, NO, NO AND A THOUSAND TIMES NO (and then some). There is no other way to coexist and we must get it right! All else is going to fail! It is not truly unjust that your adversaries have discovered how to exploit you and not be guilty of anything other than not assisting you to better yourself! There are those who work diligently to encourage you to sacrifice yourself, at your own peril instead, but you are still the one making that choice, not them. And in the end it is truly your fault and no one else’s. Your adversaries cannot be held accountable for what they do not force you to consent to. Spiritually speaking it is a most serious offense to force your will upon another as “FREE WILL” is not a theory, or joke it is a gift given to all of us to use as they so choose as long as another is not required to be forced “against their will!” Plotting to deceive you to consent to your own demise is not considered a Spiritual Crime, especially when you “unknowingly agree” and consent to it, even if you have no idea what you are consenting to and the consequences of it. I know the “what about this” questions that many will insist are exceptions to this but there arte no exceptions to this as there will never be any exceptions to this so a better understanding of the consequences of being unaware is suggested and just to put uncomfortable matters at ease there is a point in your becoming where you cannot be harmed anymore, except for the harm you cause yourself to be subjected to ----- but that is not quite the situation for all now and extremes do happen as the rules are “anything goes!” These terrible circumstances are not permanent, but you are! And you get to make things right as soon as you understand and choose accordingly not to harm others yourself. When you pass that test you will enjoy more of the fruits of your becoming - but not any other way and you will be dealing with this, in your own way, and when you so choose! Please also consider that I am not often inclined to offer issues on the “higher planes of existence” as I choose to call it because we are here now and this is what our conditions are now, so lets deal with this first. I would offer this in this respect “As it is above, so is it below!” You might want to seriously consider that as a most basic and simple truth worth remembering! But having said this I would like to offer that what I am trying to represent is that this is the very essence of the truth that I see so many not being very clear about. This is a very real and very serious Spiritual War or more accurately the Spiritual Conflict: There are those who are more aware and are exploiting and taking advantage of the less aware. A most unpleasant essence of our very being and coexistence that needs to work itself out during “the becoming!” (Remember: We are not alone - it is basic cooperative spirituality - other beings have the same significance and necessity for the well being of all that we also have in common with each other!) On another note, for observation, this “deviant consciousness” is so deeply imbedded everywhere that anyone should be able to see that this “essence of all consciousness” manifests itself quite thoroughly and intends to thrive that way, in any way it can find. That is why there are leaches, blood suckers, fleas and ticks as well as healing herbs, healthy foods and so on. This “Spiritual Conflict” is everywhere and manifests itself everywhere, not just in human form, or on the physical arena as it did not start in the physical arena because it has been ongoing and started shortly after the Becoming I tried to offer an explanation of earlier. Parasites are choosing their own way and every fiber of their being is to maintain that existence and way of life and you are now caught in the very middle between this very fierce and very real conflict - make no mistake about this, please! This is the true reason why there is chaos and conflict in the world! We have agreed to tolerate it rather than choose not to be that way, or tolerate others who do! We have already given our consent to allow it and we are guilty of the crime of mediocrity. Rather than strive to choose for ourselves to have things a certain way we are willing to accept something less from ourselves and each other! I offer that this Truth is so easy to see that the variations of these forces are everywhere and in everything and what is “out there” for me to see for myself is also “out there” for anyone to see for themselves! No mystery, just the plain and simple truth! You can even find Truth in the Bible: ISAIAH 9:16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err, and they that are led of them are destroyed. So many of you have been warned about this in so many ways as to defy all logic as to why it remains a mystery to so many! The Truth has never denied the Seeker ..... it is the Seeker who denies the Truth! People should not get angry when they come to realize that they are intentionally, expertly, effectively and most efficiently being deceived! Instead people should be grateful that their awareness is not only becoming more accurate and reliable but that they now know what they are truly up against, especially while others still prefer fantasies over facts and are easily confused about it when it comes to understanding that there is, in fact, a real truth about these matters! NO ONE HAS ANY MORE POWER OR CONTROL OVER YOU THAN YOU HAVE OVER THEM! You do consent to your conditions and we all either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work it takes to do either is the same! Some cry foul and unfair while others become grateful for not being confused about it anymore and finally seeing for themselves that there is another way and finally see that what has been so expertly encouraged is not ever going to work! Still there are some who continue to insist that it is not right and that things must change! I offer that no one can fix something that is not broken! ------ Not so difficult to understand Human Nature - one way to tell when you are finally understanding human nature - is when Human Nature no longer catches you off guard, or takes you by surprise! Eventually you will choose not to live that way anymore and that is when you will change yourself for the better - right now you just dont believe that will ever work - but all will eventually see for themselves what is True and that all else fails! A little advice: Effortlessly - stop trying so hard (and wearing yourself out) no effort required if youll only take out the trash, first! You do not have to get anything because you already have it - just get all that other stuff out of your way and see what it is that you have left. Anything you can do without, learn it, know it, and know it well. What you cannot do without, learn it, know it, and know this well --------- there is no other way - all else fails - it takes so little effort to just see for yourself! Please stop wearing yourself out! Become simple in mind and in spirit, so simple that youre able to recognize the strength and the accuracy of the most simple truth. Truth does not bargain, agree or disagree or offer a deal, or meet anyone half way! Truth never offers excuses, or accepts any! Truth does not argue, for if it is the truth -— there is no argument! For me it seems quite clear and there is only one way to see the truth and that is to see it for yourself and, and if honestly done, you can do this yourself. Eventually you may often notice that others are making decisions quite like yours and you will not be confused as to why that is so! It is as natural as anything for us to seek out our own kind - we all are seeking our true nature and true home where we are not strangers anymore and can be amongst our own kind. I HAVE GONE ON AND ON FOR QUITE LONG ENOUGH. I want to assure you that I am not very well educated to offer these words in an organized manner. I also seriously believe that it is wrong to put this much information out all at once because it only leads to more confusion for too many when small bits and pieces of truth are being offered in quotes and there are so many who are far better suited to offer these things but for the lack of what I have to say being said anywhere else, at least to my knowledge, I have a motive to get it right and be able to make certain that I may be with my own kind too. Now, if I may…. PLEASE LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO YOUR ADVERSARIES! Please do not make the error that I am suggesting that the Illuminati (is) are your adversaries that I am attempting to describe for you. Your adversaries are everywhere and are so easy to spot and see for yourself. In fact anyone who, in any way, is not rejecting 100% those who do take advantage of the unaware are either terribly misguided or are in fact intentionally making the choice to tolerate the exploitation of the weak and the unaware. For anyone not to reject and disconnect from those who have intended to exploit and take advantage of the unaware is the root cause of the discord and disruption to life as you know it and there is no reason why you can not easily see this for yourself. You are in fact guilty of being a most significant “part of the problem” if you do not recognize and reject that way of life for yourself! Below is a statement I copied from the Internet and I understand is made regarding the Illuminati and its agenda. However, I am in no way encouraging the reading of this except to offer that I see it as very accurate and very true with regards to what we all are being confronted with and should be aware of our your own natural common sense. I have seen this for myself and have often been scorned as a malcontent and rabble rouser for even considering that this is possible. So my finding this was not so much as a vindication but more like a confirmation that at least I am not alone in recognizing this is very true, after all! I recently read this post on the Internet and as far as I am concerned everything is accurate and true and those “mean guys” (Our own Spiritual Siblings) I have tried to warn you about apparently have something to say in their own words so here it is: Revelations from An Illuminati Insider Point of View Enoch Tan Revelations from An Illuminati Insider Point of View You know us as the Illuminati and have attributed many things about us, some of them true, some of them false. The state of the world is the way it is because of three factors: 1. Our influence (open or hidden) and actions in it. 2. Your (the masses and individuals) beliefs and way of living in it. 3. Cosmic causes from the beginning and the divine plan in motion. We are in control of your society, and we will continue to be in control even as you expose our existence and influence in this world. It is not invisibility that gives us our power. It is you the human nature that gives us our power. As long as people are slothful, wicked and foolish, we will have power in this world. We retain world dominance for the purpose of good. If there was no control, society would be in chaos because of the inability of the masses to govern themselves. We create and established the control system so that the energy of the masses can be harnessed and productivity can be maximized. We are here in this world filled with imperfection and imperfect inhabitants, so we might as well make the most out of it. Remember the quote from your poet: “Fools will be fools as certain as fate, Men of wisdom, make them your tools; That, only that, is the use of fools.” - John G. Saxe Verily that is a true and wise statement indeed. We create “Order out of Chaos”. We are your masters and your enslavers, but yet the key to your freedom is also given by us. We provide you with the knowledge of how to create your freedom, but yet many would not take heed of it, and continue to blame us for their suffering while they continue to create their own enslavement. Look to those who have escaped the rat race, and you will hear them mentioning the same things. Their solutions might be controversial, but many of you are unable to accept because of your limiting belief systems. The rich and successful reveal to you the keys of action, work, concentration, business, marketing, selling, persuasion, influence, managing, learning, reading, diligence, etc. But yet how many are willing to pay the price? Because you are not willing to make the most use of yourself, we will make use of you. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Instead of filling our prisons with an oversupply of criminals with no productivity, we imprison most of you in our control system of labor and economic slavery. Because you would not buy the things that would be truly useful to you, or invest your money in worthy investments, we fill your world with plenty of things to buy in entertainment, gossip, and tons of frivolous things. We enrich ourselves by your sloth and foolishness. In business, we sell to you the dream that riches can come abundantly and automatically without work. We create the illusion of the lifestyle of the rich. We do not show you what you do not want to see, the effort, the hard work, the sacrifices that have to be made. In religion, we mix extremes of errors depending on your psychological faults. We either implant lies that God is not for prosperity, so that you remain foolishly trapped by our control system, or we delude you into thinking that God can give you everything without you needing to do much work. Remember, the truth is always “what works”, and when you focus on what the majority of the people who have made it work, they will say the same things. Ignore the rest. “Misdirection” is the secret principle of the magician on stage. We point you to something (whether by direction or implication), but the real action is taking place somewhere else. We give you an external “target” that you can aim at. The more you blame us for your suffering, the more powerless you remain. Once you understand that you alone are at cause of your reality, and that we are your shadow, you take the red pill. “The brightness of the Tao seems like darkness, the advancement of the Tao seems like retreat, the level path seems rough, the superior path seem empty, the pure seems to be tarnished, and true virtue doesn’t seem to be enough. The virtue of caution seems like cowardice, the pure seems to be polluted, the true square seems to have no corners, the best vessels take the most time to finish, the greatest sounds cannot be heard, and the greatest image has no form. The Tao hides in the unnamed, Yet it alone nourishes and completes all things.” - Tao Te Ching We are the doers of good in this world, although the good that we do seems impure. We are the doers of evil in this world, but the evil we do is a necessary evil. We are your Shadow. We are here as your Adversary (Satan, the Devil), but yet we are also here to illuminate you as the Bringer of Light (Lucifer). We are here to teach you the lessons until you learn and create your own freedom. We are not your friendly teacher. We are teaching you as your enemy. There is an old saying: “No man is your enemy, no man is your friend, every man is your teacher.” We are the Force of Good and Evil, as represented by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that you partook in the beginning of this world. We are here because you chose us to be here. Although we may have influenced your choice as the Serpent, it is your own God-Given freewill that made the choice. (END OF QUOTE) ME AGAIN: If I may, one more time - please consider that this presentation tried to offer this: “3. Cosmic causes from the beginning and the divine plan in motion.” I am attempting to describe, as I see it, the Beginning followed by a Becoming as it relates to a divine plan in motion. There is much more to it than I can possibly ever describe and I am also leaving out much, or I could go on and on. But I am so hoping that the reader(s) here get the basic message that there is a Truth and it is very real and anyone can see it for themselves. In my way, I am trying to offer a “good start” in that direction! There are so many excellent offerings about the Spiritual realms and truth. Higher planes of existence and wonderful experiences which I am not going to specifically offer because you can find these elsewhere. All I will try and say about these thing is that in the end you are going to be one of the most incredible beings that right now you are not prepared to even imagine yet. But beware: It is useless to seek the truth unless the truth is more important to you than anything else! No one is ever going successfully find the truth, by trying maybe, or I guess so, as a path to the Truth! Whether, or not, I have a wild imagination is a valid concern and I am not offering this to debate that with anyone. I see what I see and I am going to do my best to attempt to assure that anyone who sincerely seeks the Truth is given the most simple and basic guidance to take those very first “baby steps” towards becoming fully aware of the Truth for themselves. I do not accept that there is any such thing as profound “cosmic mysteries,” or any profound mysterious wisdom anywhere as I insist it simply does not exist. There is only one TRUTH and it is as it has always been, just as it is right now, and will always be …. the only Truth there is. There are no mysteries and hidden secrets. There is only natural Spiritual Growth (a becoming) and it belongs to all whenever they choose to seek it out and see for themselves that it is true and that it exists and that it is real and any possible control over the TRUTH belongs to no one. I have always been most compelled to ponder over these so called mysteries of life and I am as guilty as anyone else for attempting to specifically seek out profound truth and wisdom as if it is something that should be sought out in order to be attained. The truth is that all of us already have it and the challenge is to realize it, become aware of it, and accept it as our own personal choice on how you choose to be. As far as I am able to accurately determine there is no other way to reach this state of awareness except to finally choose to see it for yourself. No one else can do it for you and no one is going to. It is impossible to have a true SAVIOR because that would be an exception to the Truth that you must see it for yourself and the Truth does not make any exceptions, ever! (You are welcome to sort that out further for yourself and I refuse to see the truth for what it is not…..) Just keep in mind that your adversaries will do anything it takes to encourage you to do nothing and wait for someone else to do it! History records many wise and ancient sages, seers, and truth Sayers. They all have a common message: “There is a way to be and all else will fail.” This is the message that has been repeated over and over and again and again! As much as I tried my best to hold anyone else accountable for my failings I have learned: No one can change “the way it is!” It is the same now as it has always been and will always be! The only thing that is possible for me to change correctly is my perception, awareness and relationship to reality! Nothing is going to change because there is nothing that needs to change except for my own self! As hard as I have tried to find errors to correct, the only errors I have found that I can truly correct are the errors I have within myself! I have always had these visions but never understood them or why I was having these experiences. In fact, I have never known anything else or any other way. I am just becoming more comfortable with it as I get older. If I may also offer! Authentic teachings do exist - but it is best these are known by understanding that the best way to learn the truth is an honest and diligent recognition of self and an attempt to understand yourself first! Nothing is more important in your life than for you to know the truth! And those who truly care about your well being want you to see for yourself that this is true and they will have no other motive, or intent, than to help you see the truth, for yourself! ---- Too many people are unaware that the truth can only be seen when it becomes more important to them than anything else, no exceptions ever for anyone - ever! That is the natural way of weeding out those who seek only a part of the truth and have yet to learn that there is only one way to know the truth and that is to know it for yourself! All else fails - and that is the truth - simple as can be! Once you see it in yourself it becomes easier to see it in others or the absence of it in others! It is everyones moral, civic and patriotic duty to learn the truth as it is everyones true final destiny to know the truth for themselves! More simply put it is your will against that of another and that is easy to see when you consider your relationship with an employer, a mate, a sibling or even the government as you see this truth is in all things! As long as you are less aware you remain a pawn in the game! Your worst enemies are those who are not sympathetic towards you and have a keen awareness of being able to take advantage of your lack of awareness! Life is not complicated or complex so stop looking for profound wisdom and mysteries because they simply do not exist! You cannot understand something that does not exist, except that it does not exist! Expecting to find profound truths and understand intangible concepts is a silly waste of time when it is far better to develop natural awareness and your own common sense! Truth demands nothing, imposes no conditions, or even limitations on anyone! The only limitations are those who do not see for themselves that truly nothing else is real but the truth as it has been from the very beginning and nothing has changed, nor is anything going to change except the way the seeker becomes aware of the Truth! I am not well pleased with my attempt to describe a most basic understanding of these issues but, a start is a start, and I will be “polishing this up” as I am still growing also myself but I now have my bearings with “what is it all about?” I would like to try and make one thing very clear to you, if I may! “You are the most wonderful news and most incredible revelations you have been waiting to see for yourself!” So please stop shorting yourself in this regard! I would like to offer that much of this has already been said, for as long as there has been seekers of the Truth. I am not really presenting anything new. But is has been said and so far I have seen it said best: It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt. -- (John Philpot Curran: Speech upon the Right of Election, 1790) On this web page I want to share what other sources have offered and so there will be a lot of posting from other sources and I will try my best to assure those seekers who are diligently seeking these things out that they only need to see the truth for themselves and nothing more is really required of them. Those postings I have placed here are my proof that you have so many others trying their best to offer the Truth and as I see this they are doing a far better job of this than I am capable of doing!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:11:32 +0000

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