KPs facing ordeal once again in getting registered as - TopicsExpress


KPs facing ordeal once again in getting registered as voters Procedure cumbersome, lists end up flawed as ever 11/11/2013 12:02:23 AM Early Times Report Jammu, Nov 10: Participating in the biggest democratic exercise of elections and casting votes to elect their choicest representatives is once again hitting roadblock for the Kashmiri Pandits, thanks to ever cumbersome procedure offered by the government to register them as genuine voters in the so called government voter lists , which is nothing but a fully flawed and deliberately complicated documents to keep the community in exile at distance and a non significant lot for the elections. As the political humdrum for the elections next year has begun, so has the hectic activity of preparing voter lists begun to have genuine voters on board. But this is once again becoming a farce for the Kashmiri Pandits living in different parts of the country and a majority of them in Jammu. Come elections the Kashmiri Pandits are made to suffer this agony all in the name of the getting registered as voters. The concerned authorities have offered them this privilege which is only turning out to be an ordeal this time again for more than one reason.The entire community has been asked to get registered in person afresh with the concerned camp commandants for the camp dwellers being the officers whom they have to approach for a host of formalities mandated to be fulfilled, while this procedural activity has been sought for all camp as well as non camp residents to be fulfilled at a building in Tope Sher khania in outskirts of Jammu, what makes it a cumbersome and unnecessarily burdened exercise is the Pandits living outside the state as also a sizable number living in Jagti township, which is over 15 kms from this place. According to the KP members even as all facilities and formality related exercise is supposed to be centralized at the place, this is far from what they have been made to suffer for some weeks. There are no well laid guidelines for the camp and non camp migrants nor is there a proper guidance for basic information, like for instance the address to be mentioned. What makes this democratic exercise which fro all countrymen across the nation been made so easy to have themselves registered with the click of a button (online facility), there is no change in over two decades for the Kashmiri Pandit community. The most unfortunate aspect remains that after the exodus from Kashmir Valley, they have to prove their identity and credentials afresh every time the elections take place. As if this was not enough a burgeoning task, what is further aggravating it the frequent visits they are made to undergo from their respective places due to non availability of the concerned officials who they are supposed to report and prove themselves as genuine voters. This happens more often than not as the camp commandants do not make themselves available for all the working days in this building . As a result those living far off , in camps like Jagti and other places beyond Jammu district are suffering most . Everyday when they approach the office , those available in the office make them run from one post to other , even for want of a simple attestation which could have otherwise been made easy with a provision of attestation by any gazetted officer on the forms and formats which in turn make the things complicated. It is not an exaggeration but a fact , which can be verified at any point of time on any day outside Shankar building at this place that almost all the KP members are made to make not less than five rounds before they get registered themselves as voters. What makes their fears and apprehensions deep rooted is the fact that even after undergoing this ordeal , what will come up as the end result is a flawed list with wrongly mentioned names in their place , most of time names of voters of other community clubbed with the family of another family. The whole community wonders when would flaw corrected once and for ever.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:45:49 +0000

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