KUFURIRWA MUCHINYANYA, RUDO VAVIRI, (Exclusive) Benefits of - TopicsExpress


KUFURIRWA MUCHINYANYA, RUDO VAVIRI, (Exclusive) Benefits of Being in a Long Distance Relationship By BaRudo WeRudo Absence makes the heart grow fonder is one of those obnoxious, inspirational quotes told to couples in their first long distance relationship. Oh, your boyfriend of three years is going to college out-of-Country? You can do it! Distance makes the heart grow stronger. It would be a nice sentiment if the speaker wasnt really thinking: I give them 2yrs to 4yrs maximum. However, the Communications has shown that absence might truly make the heart grow fonder and that couples who participate in a healthy long-distance relationship can have more meaningful interactions than couples who see each other daily, kana muri murudo zviri nore kudzidza zvinoda mumwe wako muchitaura kana paFon, uye uno kurumidza kuziva kuti izvi zvinodiwa izvi hazvidiwe. Vazhinji vanoto shanyira hama dzemumwe wake iye asipo ari kure naye, izvo zvidingaitwe nevari kuonana zuva nezuva vasina moyo werudo asi vane maziso erudo chete kugona kutarisana pasina chokwadi. Ukaona vano danana neari kuri vari pedyo vano tanga kuda kutaura nepasipo kuda kuona kuparadza vane rudo. Vazhinji vanoti rudo rino simbiswa neBonde asi hazvisi, rudo neBonde hazvife zvaka simbisa chimwe nekuti Rudo rino bereka richi kura, asi bonde rino pera asi rudo riripo. Every time I tell someone that doing the whole Long Distance Relationship thing actually strengthened my relationship, they laugh at me kkkkkk aaaaaahhg BaRudo hazvi Shande izvo, unoona mukadzi kana murume aita chihure, asi ndoti TRUST IS LOVE. Or look skeptical. I dont blame them. But before you judge your friends in Long Distance Relationships, check out these nine ways that long distance relationships can help, rather than hurt, a couple: . 1. The knowledge that if you survive the distance, your relationship can survive anything. 2. You dont have to be presentable all the time -- you can have off days. 3. Long distance relationships are a lesson in effective communication. 4. For it to work, both parties must be equally committed. 5. They force you to be independent in your relationship. 6. You get really good at planning. 7. The relationship is more than physical. 8. Both parties get plenty of me time. 9. It is full of exotic travel and adventure. Saka iwe munhu Next time you meet someone in a Long Distance Relationship, just remember, Long Distance Relationships are not for the faint of heart. They are full of meaningless arguments, jealousy, sleeping alone, and second-guessing whether it is really worth it. Yes, being in a long distance relationship is difficult, but when it is with the right person, it isnt half bad. It taught us a lot about ourselves, things we might not have figured out otherwise. So next time your friend tells you about how him and his girlfriend will be doing the distance during his first year of college, dont count them out just yet. Who knows what will happen. They might just make it after all. Saka musade kufungira vamwe rudo rwavo muchitadza kuita zvenyu mega. Nyaya dzeRudo ndidzo dzedu vamwe tongoda kuona dzimba dzine rudo rwechokwadi kwete rudo rwekuti bonde, hweJongwe, kaDora, maRounds, maTinji kana kuti ahana Chikapa zvese izvo zvinobva pakushaya RUDO pavanhu.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:23:39 +0000

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