KUHLMAN CHRONICLES : (Almas Commentary).......ATTENTION! To all - TopicsExpress


KUHLMAN CHRONICLES : (Almas Commentary).......ATTENTION! To all of the VIDEOS from over a year and a half ago, that have been continually posted on Wake up Hardee, WHY oh WHY cant you GIVE IT A REST?! One man just lost a life long friend. Yet there is no remorse, no legal obligation, no moral obligation to be a DECENT person? This page is the OPPOSITE of that page for a reason. People are being STALKED, BULLIED and HARASSED. Their names are being DEFAMED, and their CHARACTER and INTEGRITY Assassinated by a person who ADMITTEDLY has no ties to Hardee County People want to know why Emmy winning investigative reporter could be wrong? I will TELL YOU. Mr. Deeson was called on all the supposed Hurricane Corruption brought into the mix by Grady Johnson and Henry Kuhlman . After sitting in Lexs office (The County Manager) for TWO HOURS...he has NEVER returned to this County. and he NEVER bothered to use any information of FACT that the County Manager supplied him with. Because he was given ENORMOUS amounts of information and answers directly from public documentation REFUTING ALL those allegations. Where is that story? Probably deep sixed to the DUMP. It doesnt sell...the TRUTH is not interesting to anyone who stirs up strife. This was the icing on the cake to a stream of allegations that were given to this man by Henry Kuhlman in order to bust wide open the so - called CORRUPTION and ROT that our county is continually referred to by Mr. Kuhlman and a small group of others, including C.A.T.S. We have issued a directive to CATS for the hard evidence they included in their campaign ads, accusing the County Manager of diverting funds.....We were ignored...as well as several citizens who called to get that information from them....So we posted Hurricane Information in order for people to see that was FALSE........ We have issued 10 questions several times to Mr. Kuhlman asking him WHO IS PAYING him to do this? Why is he doing this? Why isnt he a part of anything in the community.? Why does he feel the need to be the savior of a County in which he admits he CANNOT stand living in.? Why isnt he out helping the poor people that he says are the victims? Where is he when we are giving out school backpacks, ? Raising money at the Help Center? Community Activities and Events? and the list goes on and on. He Complains of people who Boast of being a 7th Generation Hardee County Citizen. We and many others have HAD ENOUGH! The people who have lived here all their lives have a RIGHT to boast of all the GOOD their families have done here and they are keeping it going by staying here,, working here, and being a part of things here to help our town stay alive. And raise their future generations here. There is NO CONVICTION, there is NO laws cited as BROKEN . THIS IS AMERICA! INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. The amount of harassment, the amount of bashing, the amount of hateful emails being blasted all over County and to Representatives of the State are over the THOUSANDS in numbers. They are :PUBLIC RECORD! How many more people are going to get hurt before this ENDS! If all these people , who many do not even live in our STATE, want to believe all of these things, and the spin that is put on them, we CANNOT HELP you. You know NOTHING of what goes on here. For all those who DO live here and want to believe a man and his penchant for the dramatic and LIES, then SHAME on all of you. There is enough room in the world for HATE, DESTRUCTION, and lack of GOD. But if you do not come to any Board Meetings, Do not participate in this Community, and do NOT VOTE, and the statistics show that only a very SMALL amount of people even care to get out and make a difference, by voting or otherwise, THEN do us all a favor....MOVE to where you will be happy. If you love it here, then STAND UP and do something. Sitting and complaining and watching others DUKE IT OUT, is just television Drama, and you can watch that from your couch. There is more to come, and We at STAND UP will be backing it up with the FACTS. The choice is YOURS.....STAND UP and fight! Or believe a person who wont even crawl down from the Bell Tower long enough to offer condolences for the losses we have had this week, and take some responsibility for the part he has played in the morale of our Hard Working Citizens and Leaders. There are Videos, and we will be posting them.....If nothing else, start asking people. Dont take one side without getting the proof. Everything else is just Gossip, Rumor, Destruction and MOB MENTALITY. Not to mention the LACK OF RESPECT for all that has happened this past week. I guess COMMON DECENCY is not so common anymore! I would like to add: All the parade of claims against our Public Officials to the ETHICS COMMISSION, have all be cleared and UNFOUNDEDas of this date. And there have been NUMEROUS claims made by Mr. Kuhlman, Kirkland and Grady Johnson. Not one advanced to the stage where the Ethics Board can prove wrongdoing. And yet these people continually are thrown in the Arena and blasted! How much more?...... How MUCH MORE? please note* ALL, ....ALL factual information we spent 4 days on Wake up Hardee refuting all the claims he has made and the little lies he throws into a mix of some facts to make it plausible to some....were ALL IMMEDIATELY deleted from the page. and WE were BLOCKED off commenting. So were numerous other people when they came at Mr. Kuhlman and questioned his motives, and proved the things he was doing false! We will be re-addressing those this week and beyond. Stay Tuned. In the meantime, be watchful to what this person is doing. And ask yourselves...Who is this man? Where did he come from? WHY is he here, and WHO is paying him to do this?. Might we add....there is another friend of Kuhlmans who has jumped into the mix, (DENNIS PROUX )who does not live here or have anything to do with our County. Has a Book he has written in which he calls God a cosmic bastard. Sorry for the readers, but this point has to be made. This man openly curses God, and has sent emails out to our Public Officials that are the most disgusting horrifying things one could ever say or read about people. One was sent to a Commissioner this past week...... WHY? ...there is so much more to the story, and we plan on making sure this madness ends. And we start by STANDING UP, PRAYING, FIGHTING with the FULL ARMOR of GOD and TRUTH. My commentaries will be shorter in the future...but Mr. Albritton and I thought these things needed to be said as a precursor to what is coming. Thanks for your support. and if anyone is offended by this commentary, my apologies. But sometime the TRUTH just plain hurts.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:46:39 +0000

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