KURUP ASKED, WHATS WRONG ? Kurup, first PBRS IS STILL INSIDE BN , Second, ITS BNSLAM ! My thousand Muslim friends n relatives are always kind n nice people. Third, THE WORKS OF THE MAMAK DEVIL IN DELIBERATION n PBRS SUPPORTS ! Now , THATS WRONG ! Get it , Kurup ? Unity minister sees The Grinch in Isma, Perkasa 6:00PM Dec 24, 2014 NGOs Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) and Perkasa’s recent anti-Christmas gestures are acts of bigotry to undermine the Malaysian way of life. Such is the message of minister in the Prime Ministers Department in charge of unity on Christmas eve. What is wrong with them? Joseph Kurup asked. Proclaiming racial and religious supremacy and playing the God card is hypocritical and arrogant. Not only am I disappointed by these bigots but also flabbergasted by their actions to disrupt our way of life. But the sad irony is that most bigots dont think theyre bigots. They think theyre right. Kurup said Malaysians must emulate Sabah and Sarawak people who practice moderation in religion and reject extremism. Gods wrath He is the second cabinet minister to speak out against Isma over the matter, after fellow Sabahan and Urban Well-being, Housing and Local Government Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan (left). Isma ruffled feathers when it urged Muslims not to wish Christians ‘Merry Christmas’, while Perkasa members tore down a Christmas banner in Perak. In response, Isma central committee member Mohd Hazizi Abdul Rahman said God will punish Abdul Rahman for his arrogance. This minister exemplifies the height of arrogance among Umno leaders today. They are arrogant but refuse to be taught; Allah will give them a painful lesson which unfortunately will also affect others, too, he said in a Facebook posting. However, Isma president Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman told the Malay Mail Online that the call not to wish Merry Christmas is just the view of an Isma activist and an official Isma stand. PM: Freedom of religion guaranteed However, in his Christmas message, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said the federal constitution guarantees freedom of religion. And the 10-point solution to address the Bahasa bible and other related issues – that was agreed upon in 2011, and which must be consistent with state laws – was introduced as a way to manage our diversity and protect this right, he said.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:29:44 +0000

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