KUSHOO IN SALAH Since prayer is the first matter we’ll be - TopicsExpress


KUSHOO IN SALAH Since prayer is the first matter we’ll be questioned about on the day of Judgment, we should pay careful attention to fulfill it as prescribed by Allah. In Surat Al-Mu’minun, Allah says, “Successful indeed are the believers, They who are during their prayer humbly submissive”. Don’t you want to be of the successful believers? Ibn Taymiyyah states that this verse is indicative that having khushoo’ in prayer is obligatory. Khushoo’ is when your heart feels utter humility when standing in front of Allah. In Surat Al-Baqarah, Allah says, “And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive”. It is difficult to reach this desired state if we allow our thoughts to wander during prayer. Therefore, it is upon us to disconnect with the world and feel as though we are actually meeting Allah every time we stand in front of Him. One of the major benefits of attaining khushoo’ is that it can change your life. It will surely strengthen your relationship with Allah and help your refrain from evil. In Surat Al-’Ankabut, Allah says, “Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing”. Sadly enough, those who insist on sinning have not found their way to khushoo’. If they did, they would not be so adamant on their falsehood. If they truly felt humility then they would be fearful of Allah and stay away from that which He dislikes. But at the same time, how will we ever benefit from it if we keep rushing through our prayers? The Mesenger of Allah (salah allahu ‘alayhi wa salam) said: “The worst thief is one who steals during the Prayer.” The companions therefore asked “O the Messenger of Allah! How does he steal in Prayer?” He answered “He does not prostrate or bow correctly.” Remember the reward of your prayer is reflected on how properly you perform it. You are not rewarded for the mere motions but as much as you are conscious and sincere with it. The Prophet (salah allahu ‘alayhi wa salam) said: “A slave may pray and have nothing recorded for it except a tenth of it, or a ninth, or an eighth, or a seventh, or a sixth, or a fifth, or a quarter, or a third, or a half.” [Saheeh al-Jaami’] On the other hand, If we do become successful in establishing Salaat as ordained by Allah, then we could attain the most magnificent reward of all: forgiveness. The Prophet (salah allahu ‘alayhi wa salam) said: “There is no Muslim man who, when the time for a prescribed prayer comes, he does wudoo properly, has the proper attitude of khushoo, and bows properly, but it will be an expiation for all his previous sins, so long as they were not major sins (kabeerah).” [Muslim] #RT
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 11:10:14 +0000

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