KWARA STATE GOVERNOR HAS FULFILLED 85% OF HIS PROMISE...HON.OLATUNJI MORONFOYE Commissioner of Information & Communication, “The government has fulfilled about 85% of his promises even after the unfortunate incident of shortfall. In our allocation since last year” said by HON.OLATUNJI MORONFOYE Commissioner of Information & Communication to Kwara state government in an online LIVE interview session on KWARA PEOPLES FORUM(KPF) programme “GUEST OF THE WEEK.” He continues by saying “The government, has delivered on infrastructure, youth empowerment, education, health, water resources and other promises”. On what the government is doing improve in formativeness as a key role of security consciousness in the state. the prince from the famous MORONFOYEs ROYAL House said “We run jingles on radio/TV 24/7 and we carry out public enlightenment campaigns always ongoing” On the issue of Erosion ravaging and sport in Kwara state, the commissioner explains that “The federal governments had through the ecological funds try to intervene however the result of that u are already aware. We intend to intervene as soon as we have access the proposed 23b bond that we are seeking to get. This will free needed monies, to carry out projects that are pressing like the adabata community issue. We have quite a sizeable chunk of the proposed bond into Sports, we are building two basketball courts 2 volleyball courts, and we are renovating the swimming pool and indoor sports hall. We are also planning a KWASPO, Kwara state sports festival. Last held in 1981.We are also actively supporting the Kwara united FC”. He was asked what is the state Government doing to improve the service delivery of our local Government. He explains that We have consistently charged local government authorities on the importance of grassroots development. However in their defense the slash in allocation has greatly curtailed their ability to perform this time around. We have even had to augment their allocation time and time again he was asked Why some communities have to contribute money for the installation of transformer given by the government. He said the Government of Kwara state dont have anything to do with that he explain further “Rather unfortunately we have absolutely no power over the transformers after we have donated them. They become the exclusive property of IBDC (PHCN) we shouldnt be buying transformers as a government in the first place this is the responsibility of the power companies! After all we all pay our bills he continues Actually we citizens should force IBDC to carry out their responsibilities as we all pay bills with or without power supply! Really pathetic situations everywhere in Nigeria. And about Kwara mega city plan, what is the Government plan. Hon moronfoye explain rather unfortunately these cities are quite old and we cant start pulling building down. However we are working on putting in place a Modernization plan by a committee that I am a member, headed by the commissioner of Housing and urban development. This is to cover all major cities in Kwara. On the Issue of dropped 3000 peoples by SURE P Coordinator, He said We can confirmed that some people were dropped from various wards in Kwara, because of their affiliations to APC either suspected or real. The thing however is; all sure-p beneficiaries have not been paid for 7 months now, We started the quick win program because of this, plus we will be employing 200 per month till we have reached the 8200, that we planned for. We have actually accommodated some the dropped beneficiaries, the citizens of Kwara should make their feelings known, through peaceful means and let the world know that Sure-p is only for PDP, their families and friends NOT NIGERIANS When asked what is happen to the new state secretariat building plan. The commissioner explains that We are hoping to use the funds from the sale of Government quarters to civil servants for this project. However the sales has been quite slow, I believe there are quite a few left, we have about 300m on ground now, hopefully we should be ready at the end of the year. Political officer holders have been barred from purchasing any of the properties What this Government doing in agriculture and education, he said We already have free and compulsory education. We also pay NECO & WAEC fees for students that have good results during the mock exams, as for farmers we have initially give out 750m to farmers without the desired results! We have now started disbursing 250m to farmers across the state. We have handpicked 10 farmers per LGA, to replicate the Tsonga farm example. They to be funded through the Agric mall initiative. This initiative will provide for tractors, loans, fertilizers and other farm inputs What is the next programmes of this Government in the next remaining months before may 29 2015 and massage from the Governor to the Good peoples of Kwara state..The commissioner said We have so many goodies for the great people of Kwara, we just need to cross the bridge on our proposed bond before we reel out other programs to our people. We will work till the 29th of May 2015! Only a mediocre will believe anything a non performer promises. Kwara state is ranked number 33/36 on the federal allocation revenue ladder, yet its good here. NEWS SOURCE –KWARA PEOPLES FORUM (KPF)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:10:58 +0000

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