KWASIEC released fake results’ All Progressives Congress - TopicsExpress


KWASIEC released fake results’ All Progressives Congress (APC)chairmanship candidate for the Offa Local Government re-run election Saheed Popoola spoke with AUGUSTINE AVWODE on the controversy that has trailed the election. How would you describe the experience you have just had? For me as a person, it is a very bad experience. But the fact really is that it is not even as bad for me as it is for Nigeria. Without mincing words I would say this kind of development is not good at all for our democracy. And it is in this regard that I believe that we all need to pray a lot for this country and the democracy we say we are practicing now. Were the results announced at the various polling booths? Yes, they were announced at the polling booths. All the results were declared there and then. We have 86 polling booths in Ofa Local Government and the results were declared at each and every unit and everybody heard the results, copied them and kept them in their possession. At the collation centre of each ward, results were declared, at the centre that is, the local government secretariat, the results were already collated and were ready for announcement but the Returning Officer absconded. So they carried the results to Ilorin. But instead of the Returning Officer to announce the results in Ilorin, it was the chairman of Kwara State Independent national Electoral Commission (KWASIEC) that announced the results and you just wonder, who really, is the Returning Officer for the election is. As at now, nobody knows. I want to tell you sincerely that the election was peaceful, and there was no problem at all throughout the period of the election. So, nothing could have warranted the announcement of the results from Ilorin, instead of the spot where the election took place at Offa. The results KWASIEC released are false and bogus. The Commissioner of Police in the state have appealed to those who are bitter and planning peaceful protests to shelve the idea and go to court. How do you react to the advice? The reason why he said that, I guess, is because he knows the truth; that the All Progressives Congress (APC) won the election. He knows the truth but does not know how to say it. The fact is that he has the original results collated from the polling booths to the wards to the council levels. He has the original results with him and there is not counter result anywhere, not even with those people that are announcing the rubbish. But the CP and the state Director of the SSS, they have the authentic results. And since we have been declaring and announcing this result, they have not come out to fault it or say this is a contrary result. It has not happened. The only thing they have is the bogus results they have announced. And we told them that the APC got 11, 500 plus in the election and that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) man, Mr Olanipekun got 4, 600. But curiously, they announced 35,000 for the PDP and 20,500 for me. And we are asking them, where is the breakdown of the results, nobody has it. And nobody knows. It is that bad. The results by KWASIEC show a very wide margin of about 30,000 votes. How do you see this? What they are trying to do is to be smart by half. They don’t know how to rig. If you want to rig, you do that from the cradle; you don’t rig from the head down to the bottom. That shows that they are not politically sagacious or are they perfect riggers. How can you just go and announce the results of an election in which 56,000 people voted? How long do you think it will take that number of people to cast their votes? For goodness sake, the election lasted for only four hours. Accreditation started by 8 pm and lasted till 12 pm. Then voting began till 4 pm and it was over. The question is how long does it take one person to vote? That is the question KWASIEC must be ready to answer. They will have to tell the world how it was possible for 56000 people to vote within four hours in 86 polling booths. So can see that they are very dumb and they are not calculated riggers. That is their headache anyway. We are hitting them hard now by telling the whole world. Apart from the fact that they don’t know what they are doing, we want to expose their folly and diabolical intentions. We owe it a duty to save the nations democracy from the hand of those who want to hijack it for their selfish agenda. We all must keep in view the fact that 2015 is just by the corner. Are you going to heed the advice of the CP by exploring the legal option? The CP is not in a position to advise us on what to do. We know what to do and when to do it and where to do it. Even before the election we were in court in a pre-election matter. As I speak with you now, that matter is in the Court of Appeal, and we believe that we would get our judgment at the Court of Appeal. When the Tribunal was constituted, though we have our reservations about it but we would still go before it. We are going to do that because we are law abiding citizens of the state and the nation. What would be your appeal to the people at home? We are a peace loving people; I will appeal to them to remain peaceful. If APC supporters were not to be a set of peaceful people, you could have heard of violence in the area long before now. We are the cheated party, bet we try to call our people together and appeal to them to exercise restraint. We are more than them, they know that. In the event of any violence, it will be so bad for them because we outnumber significantly. And the question to ask is why would anyone resort to violence, because of election? I have been chairman before for two years. We love our people, we love our community and we will continue to champion their cause and come 2015, we are going to take over the state.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 17:04:21 +0000

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