KYEBI YOUTH FOR DEVELOPMENT LAUDS THE PRESIDENT OF GHANA Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, we welcome you. We, executives and members of the Kyebi Youth for Development (KYD) will like to show our deepest appreciation to the President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama for his continuous interest in the development of Kyebi. Under his leadership as Vice President and President of Ghana, Kyebi has seen massive visible infrastructure projects that will propel the development of the people of Kyebi. We should put also on record that the major visible infrastructure such as the Municipal Assembly block, the Ultra Modern GES office to administer quality education in the Municipality, the first ever large scale Water Reservoir, fire service, Kyebi township roads and Kyebi Electrification project were all done under an NDC government. One can also see the developments in terms of dormitory blocks and dining hall in a way to increase access to quality education at Abuakwa State College in Kyebi. With the threat of drought and access to safe drinking water as a result of the activities of illegal miners popularly known as Galamsey, contaminating Birim our main source of drinking water, we wish to thank President John Dramani Mahama for his timely intervention of an Ultra modern water project in the area. The five communities Enyinam, Apedwa, Kyebi, Kwabeng and Osenase all have water treatment plants, pump stations and treated water pipelines which will service more than twenty-five thousand people. We the youth of Kyebi are interested in development projects such as this and call on the youth in these areas to rally strongly behind President Mahama to propitiate more developments. The president was not being derogatory when he referred to Kyebi as the headquarters of galamsey. This is a concern to all the elders and people of Kyebi including the youth of Kyebi. It is for this reason why the Kyebihene went as far as cursing whoever indulged in such activities and also put together a local tasks force that goes round ceasing control boards of heavy equipment used in galamsey operations. The price we will pay in future as young men of Kyebi would be higher if no action is taken and partisan political value is placed on the statement by His Excellency the president. We welcome his statement as a clarion call on the youth and people of Kyebi to wake up to the reality and support initiatives that will safeguard our natural environment. We thank you all for your attention. Nana Asare President (0242128922)
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 11:13:52 +0000

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