KYLE MAC PERSONAL TRAINING ADVENT CALENDAR DAY 9: THE 10 MINUTE SQUAT - REVISIT Try this at home. You can do it in front of the telly and it doesnt involve sweat dripping on your nice carpet Resolve knee pain, hip pain, lower back pain and restore mobility in your tight ankles with this: Sit in the full squat position for a consecutive 10 minutes. If you need to come out of it and stretch thats fine but get back down as soon as possible. - Weight is on your heels (your not up on your toes) - Toes pointed forward as much as possible - Knees are below your hips - Knees are pushed out (they are not caving in) - Nice upright position with a strong lumbar curve Have a play about - push your knees out with your elbows, do both then one at a time, consciously think about getting your knees out as far as you can and hold. If you are just relaxing make sure your knees dont cave in. This is going to be hard for some of you but stay with it. We will do this again in a week or so. Give it a try. After the 10 minutes are up, get up slowly - your hips and legs will be stiff and you may get light headed if you stand up too quick! Watch this short video if your unsure: youtube/watch?v=7XwKnk16Zbs#t=137
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 10:24:29 +0000

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