KageHibi: I found an old AU of mine saved in a Microsoft word - TopicsExpress


KageHibi: I found an old AU of mine saved in a Microsoft word document... ------------------------------ Kagerou Days (Based from Wannyanpuus PV) _________________ It just repeated... Again and again... Hibiya: Why!? why do you have to do this... I dont want to see her die anymore... stop it... KageHibi: *smirk* But isnt it your wish? Hibiya: Wish...? KageHibi: Yes. Im a just part of you. You wished all of this. You wanted her to be dead. Hibiya: No! Theres no way I would want her to die!! *speaks to self* No..This is just a nightmare... Hiyoris not dead... I refuse to accept this!! KageHibi: Hmmm. I see. Then, we shall repeat until youre convinced *smirk* And so--- It just repeats again and again. --Hibiya’s looking at a wall full of clocks with so many blood. Hibiya: Why… It just repeats no matter how many times I try to save her…. Ah…. It feels like thousands of years have passed now…. I wonder how many times it happened…. Heh. It’s a miracle that I’m still myself…. *sigh* *cries* What should I do!? How can I stop this tragedy!? I… feel so helpless…. Wait. “my wish”? “part of me”? Does that mean, If I die---- I can save Hiyori..? But what if I can’t--- No. This isn’t the time to think about that. --The situation changed to when Hiyori was about to get hit by the Truck. Hibiya: This time…. For sure. --Hibiya pushes Hiyori away and gets hit by the Truck instead. --While Hibiya is dying, He can see Kagerou Hibiya who is starting to fade. KageHibi: Why…? Hibiya: *smirks* Heh. Serves you right---- --Hibiya dies. _________________ August 14th…. A girl wakes up. She was crying. Hiyori: I was the one supposed to die… But he---- KageHiyo: *smirks* Aren’t you happy? Your wish was granted. Hiyori: Wish..? KageHiyo: Of course. You wanted him to die. You find him very annoying and---- You might not remember during the timeloop but whenever you are about die, you remember seeing a boy who looks like him, right? The one who always tries to kill you---- He’s a part of that boy. Therefore, it’s that boy’s wish to kill you. And you remember having that hatred of having revenge on him, right? Well, you got that revenge now. That boy is dead. *laughs* Hiyori: Shut up! I never wished to kill him! He’s not dead! He’s alive! It was just a dream! I will find him… I’ll never stop. KageHiyo: *fades* !!! ------------------------------------------------ In the first world, Hiyori is missing; Hibiya is alive becoming 8th member of Mekakushi Dan. In the second world, Hibiya is missing; Hiyori is alive becoming 8th member of Mekakushi Dan. ________________ In the world full of clocks----- KageHibi: I… just don’t get it…. Why do they reject us…? KageHiyo: Even though we grant their wish---- Even though we’re just a part of them… KageHibi: I wonder how many times we have granted their wish…. I didn’t notice--- I already lost count… --Footsteps could be heard. KageHibi: Hm? Ah. Looks like he failed too…. Kuroha: Shut up, You brat. KageHibi: Now, that’s not a very nice way to call me. Kuroha: Tch. It’s not over yet. I’ll go back. KageHiyo: Oh. And how are you gonna do that? Kuroha: It’s none of your business. KageHibi: I’ll just tell you. You’ll never succeed. Kuroha: *smirks* I’m not like you two. --Kuroha leaves. KageHibi: *sigh* Hey. Wanna make a bet? KageHiyo: Sure. Since we’re trapped here forever and has nothing to do anyway. But--- I think we are thinking the same though. KageHibi/KageHiyo: He won’t ever succeed.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 16:03:44 +0000

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