Kainkordu rd.Seeing that mountain of gravel in the middle of Koidu - TopicsExpress


Kainkordu rd.Seeing that mountain of gravel in the middle of Koidu Town I should say ,its a big disgrace to all of us including our leaders. Where is the benefit to the Kono people?very unseen. The land is detiorating and we get no pay back.Its sad,the innocent people suffering the enviromental consequences are voiceless ,we should come together ,pray for Divine intervention and also stand up against this so call kimberlite mining destroying our home town I had a discussion with PC Saquee and other Kono PCs regarding the Kono mining policy (aggreement):We they people of Kono are ignorantly pointing fingers at each other or our leaders instead of blaming the central government for our current predicament,both major political parties have failed the Kono people absolutely,they both have maginalised us those who keep blaming Kono people for the under development of the district while central government regulates the laws of Sierra Leone,including the mining laws and none of these laws has not created any provision for the district of Kono to directly benefit us,they are saying that even the committe that was formed to review mining policy few people were involve it. The current mining laws that govern Kono district, all taxes from mining companies are paid in the consolidated fund without any percentage for the district. They are only paying surface rent or bill to the Chiefdom and 5% taxes to the city as i was understood. All mining companies’ property rates in Kono are directly paid to central government unlike the other mining companies in the other districts paid to either to city council or district council. Kono district is one of the highest revenue contributor in the consolidated fund, government disburses those funds to the regional headquarters (Bo, Kenema and Makeni) which Kono district does not benefit from, in terms of development and the land continues to devastates while the so call regional headquarter cities progressing.,.Its a pity that most of us are ignorant and unaware of what is really happening on the ground;instead of seeking to pursue the truth,we are just pointing fingers,i can honestly agree that our leaders have some blame,but we the Kono people if we mean well let us challenge some of these issues now instead of blaming people in Kono that are not regulating the bad mining policies and agreements which the central government does.Also i believe the Kono people are divided,with division we cant do much,united we stand ,divided we fall.Kono is weak bec the Leaders are divided.One of the leader that i noticed that is figthing to bring that unity we really need is our young Mayor Saa Emmerson.I am currently not a politician but at the sametime i am a concern citizen who love his birth place,i honestly want to see Kono developing for the betterment of our people,we cant be seating or lying dormant.GOD bless Kono and its inhabitants.WE DESERVE
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 23:16:12 +0000

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