Kalihi Ice Ponds Hawaiian Crystal Grid This mystical place - TopicsExpress


Kalihi Ice Ponds Hawaiian Crystal Grid This mystical place is hidden away on the island of Oahu, in a place that not even the locals know about. In ancient times, the royal families of Oahu would hold sacred bathing ceremonies in the ice-cold waters here. These ceremonies were much more than a refreshing bath, I was more or less forced into watching their process first hand. Reaching this place requires climbing down through a Giant Fern forest and into a steep canyon that holds these three pristine waterfalls. While descending, I lost my footing and fell down, smacking the back of my head hard against the ground. When I stood up I was half seeing normal physical reality and half seeing subtle energies and what I now recognize to be past events taking place on these sacred grounds. When I reached the bathing area (pictured) my visions were heavily induced. I witnessed a large, heavily decorated and cloaked, Hawaiian man (member of the Alii or royalty) walk into the water towards the waterfall. His cloak floated and splayed out behind him until he was up to his shoulders in water just be flow the falls. He pulled his cloak and turned to face me, now the water flowed from behind him as he looked downstream. Then he began to chant. As he did, I could see his cloak and then the entire pool become saturated by golden energy that em enacted from his hands and his being. This continued until all of the after I could see below him was carrying his Mana to the land below. My vision subsided and I understood the meaning of the grid I would lay here. This grid is designed to allow us all to simultaneously be cleansed and empowered, while blessing and honoring other people and places in our life. Those of us who have the consciousness and personal power to work on ourselves and who strive to be present in our lives are the ones who overflow and make the world a better place. This grid helps us heal other people, it hold space for us to be of service to those who we love and to grow and evolve in the same breath. This Hawaiian King was giving his energy to all of the people who used this great fresh water source to drink, grow crops, and bathe with. He assisted first hand in the prosperity of his kingdom. I was guided to dive down and bury this grid directly where the man from my vision was standing, at the base of the waterfall. A perfectly triangular area presented itself where the grid now lives. This grid contains a large Rose Quartz and an Amythest Point at the center and is surrounded by a trinity of Lemurian Seed Quartz. One is a Laser Quartz, one is a Tabular Quartz, and one is an Isis Quartz. Tune into this grid and begin to overflow with an abundance of personal power to bless those around you. In Love & Light.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 07:36:14 +0000

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