Kam reikia 420: 1. Citizen Kane 2. Vertigo 3. 2001: A Space - TopicsExpress


Kam reikia 420: 1. Citizen Kane 2. Vertigo 3. 2001: A Space Odyssey 4. Tokyo Story 5. Rules of the Game, The 6. 8½ 7. Godfather, The 8. Sunrise 9. Searchers, The 10. Seven Samurai 11. Battleship Potemkin 12. Apocalypse Now 13. Bicycle Thieves 14. Breathless [1960] 15. Passion of Joan of Arc, The 16. Singin in the Rain 17. Atalante, L 18. Rashomon 19. Taxi Driver 20. Godfather Part II, The 21. Raging Bull 22. Lawrence of Arabia 23. 400 Blows, The 24. Persona 25. Andrei Rublev 26. Mirror 27. Man with a Movie Camera, The 28. Avventura, L 29. City Lights 30. Psycho [1960] 31. Dolce vita, La 32. Some Like it Hot 33. Ordet 34. Touch of Evil 35. Au hasard Balthazar 36. General, The [1926] 37. Casablanca 38. Contempt 39. Grande illusion, La 40. Sunset Blvd. 41. Metropolis [1927] 42. Modern Times 43. Third Man, The 44. Night of the Hunter, The 45. Blade Runner 46. Rear Window 47. Playtime 48. Ugetsu monogatari 49. M [1931] 50. Chinatown 51. Pather Panchali 52. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 53. Barry Lyndon 54. Enfants du paradis, Les 55. Stalker 56. Fanny and Alexander 57. Battle of Algiers, The 58. In the Mood for Love 59. Late Spring 60. Once Upon a Time in the West 61. Apartment, The 62. North by Northwest 63. Gold Rush, The 64. Shoah 65. Leopard, The 66. Strada, La 67. Wild Bunch, The 68. Wild Strawberries 69. Pierrot le fou 70. Seventh Seal, The 71. Pickpocket [1959] 72. Gertrud 73. Mulholland Dr. 74. Rio Bravo 75. Voyage in Italy 76. Viridiana 77. Amarcord 78. Close-Up 79. Conformist, The 80. Blue Velvet 81. Nashville 82. Jules et Jim 83. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles 84. Magnificent Ambersons, The 85. Man Escaped, A 86. Sansho the Bailiff 87. Aguirre: The Wrath of God 88. Intolerance 89. Its a Wonderful Life 90. Sátántangó 91. GoodFellas 92. Annie Hall 93. Clockwork Orange, A 94. Greed 95. Wizard of Oz, The 96. Last Year at Marienbad 97. Mother and the Whore, The 98. Eclisse, L 99. Jetée, La 100. Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The 101. Brighter Summer Day, A 102. Gone with the Wind 103. Pulp Fiction 104. Jaws 105. Olvidados, Los 106. To Be or Not to Be [1942] 107. Ikiru 108. Bringing Up Baby 109. All About Eve 110. Hiroshima mon amour 111. Sherlock Jr. 112. Histoire(s) du cinéma 113. Sans soleil 114. Madame de... 115. Shining, The 116. Âge dor, L 117. Chien andalou, Un 118. Lady Eve, The 119. Blowup 120. Vivre sa vie 121. Nosferatu 122. Ali: Fear Eats the Soul 123. Spirit of the Beehive, The 124. Woman Under the Influence, A 125. Star Wars 126. Letter from an Unknown Woman 127. Matter of Life and Death, A 128. Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The 129. Notorious 130. Manhattan 131. Rome, Open City 132. Badlands 133. Napoléon [1927] 134. Dont Look Now 135. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 136. Days of Heaven 137. Beau travail 138. Trouble in Paradise 139. Do the Right Thing 140. My Darling Clementine 141. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial 142. Double Indemnity 143. His Girl Friday 144. Stagecoach 145. King Kong [1933] 146. Brief Encounter 147. Come and See 148. Gospel According to St. Matthew, The 149. Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The 150. Duck Soup 151. Exterminating Angel, The 152. Partie de campagne 153. Yi yi 154. Red Shoes, The 155. Travelling Players, The 156. Once Upon a Time in America 157. On the Waterfront 158. Last Laugh, The 159. Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The 160. Grapes of Wrath, The 161. Spring in a Small Town 162. Mouchette 163. Great Dictator, The 164. Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The 165. Performance 166. Argent, L [1983] 167. Black Narcissus 168. Imitation of Life [1959] 169. River, The [1951] 170. Vampyr 171. Paisan 172. Ran 173. Earth [1930] 174. Rocco and His Brothers 175. Alien 176. Nights of Cabiria 177. Cries and Whispers 178. Out of the Past 179. Colour of Pomegranate, The 180. Conversation, The 181. City of Sadness, A 182. Umberto D. 183. Ashes and Diamonds 184. Meet Me in St. Louis 185. Sweet Smell of Success 186. Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom 187. Best Years of Our Lives, The 188. Deer Hunter, The 189. Passenger, The 190. Chimes at Midnight 191. Celine and Julie Go Boating 192. Rosemarys Baby 193. McCabe & Mrs. Miller 194. Samouraï, Le 195. Kind Hearts and Coronets 196. Chungking Express 197. Band Wagon, The 198. Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The 199. Meshes of the Afternoon 200. Belle de jour 201. Red River 202. Paths of Glory 203. Diary of a Country Priest 204. Kes 205. Ivan the Terrible, Part 2 206. Two or Three Things I Know About Her 207. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The [1974] 208. Mean Streets 209. Solaris [1972] 210. Three Colours: Blue 211. Touki Bouki 212. Wavelength 213. Birds, The 214. Sullivans Travels 215. Zero for Conduct 216. Wings of Desire 217. Bonnie and Clyde 218. Music Room, The 219. Thin Red Line, The 220. Faces 221. Death in Venice 222. Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The 223. Birth of a Nation, The 224. Close Encounters of the Third Kind 225. Brazil 226. Memories of Underdevelopment 227. Breaking the Waves 228. Only Angels Have Wings 229. Big Lebowski, The 230. Pandoras Box 231. World of Apu, The 232. Germany, Year Zero 233. Quiet Man, The 234. Belle et la bête, La 235. Crimes and Misdemeanors 236. Broken Blossoms 237. Dekalog 238. Night of the Living Dead 239. Graduate, The 240. Ivan the Terrible, Part 1 241. Tabu [1931] 242. Johnny Guitar 243. Exorcist, The 244. Crowd, The 245. Freaks 246. Nanook of the North 247. Eraserhead 248. Floating Clouds 249. Shop Around the Corner, The 250. In a Lonely Place 251. Wages of Fear, The 252. Day of Wrath 253. Story of the Last Chrysanthemums, The 254. Night and Fog 255. Spirited Away 256. Videodrome 257. My Neighbour Totoro 258. Life of Oharu, The 259. Husbands 260. Fargo 261. Autumn Afternoon, An 262. Throne of Blood 263. Big Sleep, The 264. Paris, Texas 265. Werckmeister Harmonies 266. Maltese Falcon, The [1941] 267. Distant Voices, Still Lives 268. Notte, La 269. Raiders of the Lost Ark 270. Three Colours: Red 271. Monsieur Verdoux 272. My Night at Mauds 273. Berlin Alexanderplatz 274. Canterbury Tale, A 275. Piano, The 276. Underground [1995] 277. Voyage dans la lune, Le 278. I Am Cuba 279. Groundhog Day 280. It Happened One Night 281. F for Fake 282. Verdugo, El 283. Kings of the Road 284. Harold and Maude 285. Love Streams 286. Black God, White Devil 287. I Know Where Im Going! 288. Empire Strikes Back, The 289. Double Life of Veronique, The 290. How Green Was My Valley 291. Unforgiven 292. Out 1, noli me tangere 293. Orpheus 294. In the Realm of the Senses 295. Last Picture Show, The 296. Philadelphia Story, The 297. To Kill a Mockingbird 298. Killer of Sheep 299. Puppetmaster, The 300. Touch of Zen, A 301. Marketa Lazarová 302. Schindlers List 303. All That Heaven Allows 304. Peeping Tom 305. I Was Born, But… 306. Red Desert 307. Make Way for Tomorrow 308. Sacrifice, The 309. Killing of a Chinese Bookie, The 310. Army of Shadows 311. Where is the Friends Home? 312. King of Comedy, The 313. Network 314. Hour of the Wolf 315. Opening Night 316. Week-End 317. Russian Ark 318. Lola Montès 319. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 320. Chelsea Girls 321. Bride of Frankenstein 322. Reservoir Dogs 323. Dawn of the Dead [1978] 324. Marnie 325. In a Year with 13 Moons 326. Cinema Paradiso 327. High and Low 328. Thin Blue Line, The 329. October 330. Bridge on the River Kwai, The 331. Through the Olive Trees 332. Landscape in the Mist 333. Listen to Britain 334. Kiss Me Deadly 335. Mr. Hulots Holiday 336. Cloud-Capped Star, The 337. Green Ray, The 338. Eyes Without a Face 339. Cléo from 5 to 7 340. Shadows 341. Crime of Monsieur Lange, The 342. Kid, The [1921] 343. Pyaasa 344. Magnolia 345. Nostalghia 346. Midnight Cowboy 347. Written on the Wind 348. This is Spinal Tap 349. West Side Story 350. Wanda 351. Palm Beach Story, The 352. Closely Watched Trains 353. Muriel 354. Easy Rider 355. Alexander Nevsky 356. 1900 357. Cabaret [1972] 358. If… 359. Ivans Childhood 360. Caché 361. Star is Born, A [1954] 362. There Will Be Blood 363. Festen 364. Tree of Life, The 365. Plaisir, Le 366. Shoot the Piano Player 367. Charulata 368. Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors 369. Five Easy Pieces 370. Fantasia 371. Yojimbo 372. El 373. Innocents, The 374. Dog Day Afternoon 375. Scenes from a Marriage 376. À nos amours 377. Matrix, The 378. Dersu Uzala 379. Stranger Than Paradise 380. Back to the Future 381. Asphalt Jungle, The 382. Tenant, The 383. Heat [1995] 384. Sound of Music, The 385. Last Tango in Paris 386. Affair to Remember, An 387. Salvatore Giuliano 388. Daisies 389. Tropical Malady 390. Time to Live and the Time to Die, The 391. Alphaville 392. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 393. Cranes Are Flying, The 394. Night at the Opera, A 395. Strangers on a Train 396. Hour of the Furnaces, The 397. Happy Together 398. All About My Mother 399. Lost Highway 400. Days of Being Wild 401. Scorpio Rising 402. Tale of Tales 403. Early Summer 404. Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The 405. Cameraman, The 406. Hustler, The 407. Young Girls of Rochefort, The 408. Walkabout 409. Devil, Probably, The 410. Taste of Cherry, A 411. Stromboli 412. Safe 413. Lady from Shanghai, The 414. Wind Will Carry Us, The 415. To Have and Have Not 416. High Noon 417. Top Hat 418. Blissfully Yours 419. Long Goodbye, The 420. Terminator, The
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 08:44:57 +0000

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