Karbala ANMAK Prof. Dr. Mehmet Demirci Dokuz Eylül Ü. - TopicsExpress


Karbala ANMAK Prof. Dr. Mehmet Demirci Dokuz Eylül Ü. Seminary 680 years ago in 1328 that there was a disaster. Hz. Beloved grandson of the Prophet, the Prophet. Ciğerparesi Hazrat Ali and Fatima. Hussein was martyred badly. Each death is bitter. But a military attack on a community of 70 people, including wife and children, and thirst in the heat of the desert to kill them in a fecâattir writhes in despair. Fall short of words to explain this treachery. Muharremiyeler Maktel-i Huseyn and written literature. Besides these works Karbala grief was expressed love of Ahl al-Bayt. Poems written these feelings only Shia, Alevi, Bektashi circles, not giving importance to the Ahl al-Bayt Sunni sect zümrelerinin chit-chat, they chant the month of Muharram and the moon, the arrow-composed and the composition has. Karbala to commemorate, a reputation of Ahl al-Bayt activities such as pain and forgiveness yâdetmek occasion. Fuzuli it says: In fact-i-Dasht-i-Karbala again-I / u liked it fits into the u-i has am polite / cause-i Izz those of memorandum of grandeur ü / honor-i rûzigârdır those in Tahrir. (To repeat the event of Karbala is a great little universally liked. Its an honorable job to tell and write.) In Love Yunus says: Shaheed ser-fountain / Hasan and Hussein / lovers eye age / Hasan and Hussein. Hazrat Ali fathers / grandfathers Muahmmeddir / Arsh two earrings / Hasan and Hussein. Karbala writings / became Shaheed veterans / mother Fatma lambs / Hasan and Hussein. Hassan and Hussein, looking at the Messenger of Allah used to say: God, I love them, you love them. Again, the Messenger asked: Whats your favorite couplet Ahl-i? Answer: Hassan and Hussein. Hz. An expression of martyrs of Karbala for the Prophet said: Hussein from me, Im Hussein . Hussein, who is loved of God. (Hadith bk for. Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 30) * At the beginning of the Euphrates, as well. While you hear the sound of the water flow. Suffering from thirst in a convoy of siege oppressed. Hz. Prophet Muhammads grandson. Hussein and his relatives ... Women, kızanlar, guys. Kanatır heart that day a violent centuries. Kazim Pasha is depicted in the following mısralarında last scene of this game: He fell from his horse in sub-Husayn Karbala t / Gabriel Sultan-i enbiyâya have let me know. Sultan Murad I express the feelings of all of us is: Ab-ı Ekrem Ruy-i-Habib-i to / from Karbala to dem who bathed / Look, O Lord our guilt / Nazar meat, can u âhımıza language. * For many years, was 680, the months of Muharram ... The sun, the day darkened bağrını collar. Hz. Over the months and years more than the love of Hussein SINE lit. Space people have started to keep his blood drops on lands irrigated. Came to life in the deserts, the love of Hussein turned green, was building. Gönüllerdeki proliferated and Karbala in love with the desert town before, and then the love of Hussein was the spirit and culture. An eternal love Karbala stone, tuğlasına gave shape, the dome was the aesthetic structure. Karbala closely involved with our ancestors. Legal structure of the hand of Solomon himmet Meşhedül-Hüseynin reached, there are lines of Mimar Sinan shape. Mosque Sultan Ahmed III. Murad Ali Pasha built the governor, the tomb of his hand the reigns of Sultan Pasha onarttı Necip. (Alexander Paladan) Hadîkatüs-Aquaman (a happy garden ended) Fuzulî wrote a book called, dirge Kazim Pasha and much more .. Said Hussein was not a lover of redness at dawn: Do not think that mihr Become a sürh-i-i felektir dawn appear / Every dawn sun with hun-i Huseyn networks of blood. (Tan is a natural incident taking away the redness around the Prophet. Hussein almost every morning in the sun blood networks thereby suffered a bloody denouement.) Once again a painful decision the fate of Karbala, Karbala and around the falling bombs from 2003 oralardaki raided the Turkish identity, love kurşunladı Hussein, Fuzuli grandchildren killed * It was not all men are terrible incident of Karbala. Just where Zine El Abidine cradle of Ahl al-dynasty survived and continued from there. Never regretted that all this is not possible. But this is no doubt the result of divine providence. Fuzûlî summary says: Hz. Gabriel Prophet by Allah Almighty when Hussein was born. Muhammad is sent. After the martyrdom of children born to congratulate him on the head, and wish you health. Prophet in amazement: -O my brother Gabriel. I understood the reason for celebrating, but condolences for what you wish for martyrdom? Gabriel replied: -The underdog, Hussein, were killed with the sword after you, will torment the deserts of Karbala. Hz. Muhammad begins to cry when you get the news. He has a lion next to Ali. Just hands off and asks why she cries. Hz. Muhammad Ali narrated the news networks. Fatma learning situation sadly our Mother asks: -O my father what time it would work? Resul responds: -Me, you, Hasan Ali and later. Hz. Fatima, hüzünlenir, he asked himself: Who is this damned tâziyette took place when it comes to the oppressed Keep me? Answered divine means: -O most beautiful of women, and the most cherished! People of the End Times. Devotee of the Ahl al-Bayt your son, weep until the Day of Judgment. (Fuzuli, Hadîkatüs-Aquaman, ready. Şeyma Güngör, s.304-305, BP publication, Ankara, 1987) Fuzuli justify these statements are rumors, he posted a hadith: One day Prophet. Then see the Prophet suffers asleep, his face in the soil compartment. What happened, or they ask Resulellah: He said: All of a sudden I saw the killing of Hussein! (Tirmidhi, stories of saints, 30). * In fact, there is no mourning in Islam. But lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt Hz. Grandson of the Prophet, and the atrocities the descendants of the dynasty, suffering from pain I always felt for any inconvenience. In particular Sufi circles, homage, so plenty of water wasted Muharram 1 Muharram 10, cleaning, laundry, bathroom, things like restricted, are not a new thing, hediyeleşilmez, wedding and entertainment made. Yes, Its God also said that the tragedy of Karbala. We do not appeal to divine providence. Do not run it that damn time. The important thing is to get an object lesson. * Gonul people thinks: that every era, this era of the Prophet. There Hussein and Muawiyah. Within each of the Prophet. Hüseyinler, Muawiyah and Yazid available. For example, work and serve in us the love of Hussein. All kinds of emotions of beauty and truth Hz. Hussein. Of our own passions, and desires, all kinds of evil Yazid represents the idea. Within us grudges, garazlar, rage, çekememezlikler, arrogance and pride, one of Yazid. Love, compassion, generosity, helping sentiment, while a low gönüllülükler Hussein What have I wonder who won? Muawiyah and his army of Yazid, cursing people might be stuck in for years. In the meantime, Ali, Hussein, so this is a positive and beautiful feelings çıkaramamışsa not a pleasant thing to face the day. Of course, Ali, Karbala, Hussein will not forget us But in the last analysis, saying of the ancients motto: Bugz not Muawiyah hubb-i-i-Ali, should unite. Instead of Muawiyah and Yazid anger darken our souls, to keep alive in our hearts the love of Ali and Hussein....
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 21:21:45 +0000

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