Karen Boudriault - note that grand cross is 13 degree orb - - TopicsExpress


Karen Boudriault - note that grand cross is 13 degree orb - Piscean Age Astrology uses those wide orbs - 13 degrees is almost half a sign. Also, Uranus is now 2 degrees past that square with Pluto and will be moving on. To make such a big deal of a planet PAST the square is grabbing for drama, in my opinion, BUT Piscean Age Astrology is ruled by Neptune and Jupiter - mass fantasy and nebulous and lots of drama. In AAA, Pluto is forcing out a re-balancing or elimination, eradication, extermination (in Mundane, re-balance the power of nations - look at Russia, Iran ignoring the recently signed weak agreement with the U.S., China, N. .Korea, etc. and leaders viewing the U.S. as weak); Uranus rules the Metabolic System of converting matter to energy or the material enjoyment of people to simply dreaming about the past days of so much material benefit, and more (wont go into everything here). Even just looking at Uranus in the Muscle Power System of Aries - converting the powerful nations in the world - the BALANCE OF POWER is what changes and America is in enormous decline. Dont know if where you are you have the opportunity to listen to Putins comments about the U.S. as he signed the treaty annexing Crimea back to Russia. Pres. Obama sanctioned 11 people and did NOT sanction Putin, as though Putin would have cared anyway. Putin has said for years to his buddies (oligarchs) in Russia, dont deposit money in the U.S., so freezing bank accounts here is rather a moot point. Putin is one of the richest people in the world and I doubt he has a penny (ruble) deposited in U.S. bank. After that Syria debacle by Pres. Obama and his red line then calling on Putin to solve the problem, no doubt Putin knew he has carte blanche to pick up former USSR countries. Remember this Uranus-Pluto square has happened over and over throughout history. I have a list somewhere in my files. At the date of Amer Revolution (july 4, 1776), Pluto was at 27 capricorn (again forcing out new balance of power) and Uranus was at 8 Gemini - you would think there would be a square, but NO.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 14:44:09 +0000

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