Karen; Doesnt everybody know by now that because of CRIMINAL - TopicsExpress


Karen; Doesnt everybody know by now that because of CRIMINAL CONTEMPT for the Constitution of the following supreme law of the land NO BODY IN AMERICA can get elected unless they PROMISE to transfer our IRS stolen wages, salaries and property to the American voting MOB? 1.) Article IV Section 4 a republican form of Government making a representative Democracy ILLEGAL so that neither Democrat or Republican can use our labor to buy votes from the voting MOB through campaign promises to a vast array of special interest voting blocs: Whites, Senior Citizens, Blacks, Hispanics, Latinos, ILLEGALS, Rich, Poor, Fat, Skinny, elderly, young, Women, Men, Krony Corporations, giant mega-banksters, etc, etc, etc... 2.) The money clauses of Article I Sections 8 (clause 5) and 10 (clause 1) so that our elected enemies can have the forty private owners of the Constitutionally UNLAWFUL Federal Reserve System/cartel of twelve private banking interests, print all of the money they want, outta thin air, so they can place all of us Americans into massive debt that WE HAVE TO PAY, via taxes and/or inflation and soon sudden hyperinflation. 3.) The Supremacy clause of Article VI, clause 2 which states that our elected public enemies of The Constitution, can only vote for spending that is PURSUANT TO our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, as well as our entire Bill of Rights and the whole Constitution, which means they can only spend money on the eighteen items listed under Article I Section 8. 4.) The Ninth and especially the TENTH Amendment laws. Due to utter CONTEMPT for these supreme laws of the land, and UNTIL THESE are RESTORED TO FULL FORCE AND AFFECT; Federal ELECTIONS ARE NOT THE SOLUTION TO OUR PROBLEM, ELECTIONS ARE THE PROBLEM. NOBODY can get elected who will obey our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, because they will neither be able to make nor maintain UNLAWFUL Federal spending that exceeds the eighteen powers and spending limits We The People GRANTED them in The Constitution, to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. If you watch this short video about how a representative Democracy works, which is what our elected CRIMINALS of Constitutional treachery have turned America into, you will be able to understand why Federal Elections will NEVER work UNTIL WE restore our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws through State legislative measures ENFORCED by Arrest, jail, trial, and sentencing of all Federal agents and agencies that refuse to cease and desist all UNLAWFUL Acts and spending of Congress and the Executive branch. Deo volente youtu.be/jRQ76FYvw7M - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:20:07 +0000

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