Karen Hudes shared a link. March 12 From: Karen Hudes Date: - TopicsExpress


Karen Hudes shared a link. March 12 From: Karen Hudes Date: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:26 AM Subject: Re: Financial collapse. To: paul Dear Paul, If the US military pivots, the problems you are describing will not occur. What is keeping the military on the wrong side is a small number of Knights of Malta. A member of the armed forces called me on Sunday, to let me know that 50% of the rank and file are aware that General Dempsey is trying to collapse the dollar. https://s3.amazonaws/khudes/Karen-Hudes+(2).jpg The men in the military at the bottom are shooting their officers who try and order them to carry out Romes agenda. Together with the Inspector General, General Jon T. Rymer, who is permitting illegal firings, the Knights of Malta in the US military are now in mortal danger, and they know it. I just reminded General Dempsey that I was waiting for an answer to my question. veteranstoday/2014/03/12/second-facebook-town-hall-with-general-martin-e-dempsey/ Best, Karen news.yahoo/report-fired-nuke-general-misbehaved-russia-211741556--politics.html beforeitsnews/banksters/2013/11/us-allies-do-some-stocktaking-and-we-will-help-patriots-2433698.html Foreword: https://s3.amazonaws/khudes/A+Grandfather%27s+Encouragement.pdf Here is the rest of the book: https://s3.amazonaws/khudes/1.Perspective+Summary.pdf https://s3.amazonaws/khudes/2.Perspective.pdf https://s3.amazonaws/khudes/3.Perspective+Afterword.pdf https://s3.amazonaws/khudes/4.Rebuilding+America%27s+Inner+Compass.pdf https://s3.amazonaws/khudes/5.Rebuilding+Global+Banking+System.pdf And they waited for Maj. General Michael Carey to make sure that a nuclear bomb detonated in the ocean instead of on Charleston on October 8, 2013 before firing him for what happened the previous summer? A member of the US armed services says: a concealed foreign enemy and its American minions are on their last legs because...it has two fatal vulnerabilities: its needs for: (i) public invisibility and, (ii) control of the U.S. military to enforce its concealed global schemes...The enemys critically important control of the U.S. military is rapidly evaporating. The American, Russian, and Chinese militaries--in concert--have determined the wisdom of bringing to an end the plans for fomenting a World War III and its New World Order pretensions and its murderous existence. Closing with the enemy has already begun. You have to click on the view entire video to see the first part which You Tube is attempting to censor my question to General Dempsey at his Town Hall meeting on December 2, 2013: youtube/watch?v=Zy-2GaT6RMo&feature=youtu.be&a From: karenhudes@hotmail To: editor@veteranstoday Subject: veteranstoday/2013/12/04/general-martin-e-dempsey-wants-your-questions-today/ Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2014 21:17:38 -0500 Why did you remove my question to General Martin Dempsey from the comment section of the above article in Veterans Today? This censorship reflects negatively upon Veterans Today after many of the other commentators referred to it: I asked the following question of General Martin Dempsey, Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force at his town hall meeting on December 2, 2013: veteranstoday/2013/12/04/general-martin-e-dempsey-wants-your-questions-today/ Karen Hudes • Top Commenter • 594 subscribers With the Federal Reserve Note weakening against other currencies, 25% of international trade no longer denominated in US dollars, and the US credit rating on the verge of being lowered by the new Universal Credit Rating Group, do you think it is time to accept the offer of the authorized signatory to the Global Collateral Account to release the uncut dollars issued by the US Treasury department and back them with the 170,500 metric tonnes of gold on deposit in the Bank of Hawaii? https://s3.amazonaws/khudes/Karen-Hudes+(2).jpg Reply • 60 • Like • Unfollow Post • December 5 at 12:52pm There is nothing that will impair US’ military strength worse than a weak dollar. On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 4:35 AM, karen hudes wrote: From: Paul Subject: Financial collapse. Message Body: I have a few questions for Karen Hudes. She seems very confidant that everything will turn out OK; but is she not aware of the Gulags that have been built or refurbished around the US by susiidiaries of Halliburton, to deal with mass demonstrations? Is she not aware of the Elites plans for Human Culling on a massive scale, to wit, 85 - 95% of the human population? Whilst extremely competent in her financial knowledge, arent there things she should also take into account, which make her analysis redundant? She speaks briefly of the illegality of drone strikes; but what of the wars waged against Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya (acting as the Rebels air force)? What of the destabilisation of Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, Haiti, backing the coup in Honduras? The USG does not give a fig for the Rule of Law. Perhaps more to the point regarding finance, is she aware that the Banking Families who run the world plan to do away with money altogether, and money will be on plastic? If she doubts this, I sugest she watches the excellent video interview (before he died) of Aaron Russo: Aaron Russo - Historic Interview, in which he says he was told (among many other EXTREMELY interesting things) just that: that they were going to do away with money, and all transactions would be on plastic; if anyone didnt comply, their plastic would be nullified; all value would just disappear, and the victim would not be able to access food, housing, jobs, transport or whatever. I do believe Karen is on the side of the Angels, and I do hope she is right and that I am wrong, but it would be better if she was at least apprised of these issues. Another issue, although it may seem minor, is the blatant Grand Larceny of the Bush Sr. years as Vice and the President of the US, as exposed by Al Martin in his book The Conspirators, where the Banks, Savings and Loan and Insurance companies where ripped off of billions of dollars, WITH THEIR CONNIVANCE. And the CIA, DEA, Military and other agencies were all complicit (it was all done under the Contra Gate smokescreen). One more point; I live in the UK, and on the 19th March we are having a Demonstration opposite Parliament about bringing back the Bradbury Pound, though I doubt we will get much support or publicity.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:21:59 +0000

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