Karl P. Koenigs via Rebel Rebellion III WE DO NOT NEED FEDERAL - TopicsExpress


Karl P. Koenigs via Rebel Rebellion III WE DO NOT NEED FEDERAL BUDGET CUTS! They ARE Politically IMPOSSIBLE! Did you listen to Lou Dobbs on Fox business this evening. Large businesses and corporations are paying BIG money TO BOTH Parties because THEY KNOW they will be in GIANT TROUBLE, huge financial losses and loss of Government contracts, loss of regulations which significantly prevents small businesses from competing with them due to red tape and massive barriers to entry due to cost and lack of significant funds needed for bribery to our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Ninth and Tenth Amendments. THIS IS EXTORTION and any larger size business that doesnt give money, OR ELSE, they are OUT OF THE GAME. Folks, this is tyranny and oppression due to contempt by our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws! IF THE TEA PARTY actually focuses on THIS PLAN, we will NOT NEED Federal Budget cuts AND We Will restore the RULE of Constitutional Law, most importantly our Ninth and Tenth Amendments! THE ONLY WAY to STOP this extortion and restore Our Republic of laws upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights and protect our wages, salaries, individual Rights, our economy (actually rebuild a REAL economy free of The Matrix our UNSUSTAINABLE computer generated dream World economy based on money that only exists in our minds, which vastly empowers and incomprehensibly enriches the forty private owners of The FED) is to COMPEL and NOT ASK our State Reps to sponsor and pass very carefully and constitutionally crafted Joint State Sovereignty Resolutions with ARREST Provisions, along with it most VITAL companion legislative measures which, after execution in the field, will LEAD UP TO State nullification of ALL Federal Government spending not authorized under Article I Section 8, pursuant to our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws. This will dissolve the size, powers, scope and spending of the U.S. Government by 2/3rds WITHOUT A SINGLE Budget Cut by our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights and The Constitution. The Wisconsin TEA Party Committee on State Sovereignty has VERY specific plans and a DIRECTLY Constitutional State Sovereignty Resolution with ARREST Provision to get all of this accomplished. The Sovereignty Resolution is a reasonable facsimile of The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and are HIGHLY Constitutional AND specifically designed to cut all Government spending that isnt authorized in The Constitution WITHOUT A SINGLE BUDGET Cut. If you are interested contact me. By these means The States, where according to The Constitution, all power resides, where in contrast the Federal Government only has eighteen powers, can restore our Republic of laws, not men. God Save Our American States! youtu.be/CXBYUHue5nw How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance youtube
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 02:57:33 +0000

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