Karma Many people underestimate the word Karma. They do as the - TopicsExpress


Karma Many people underestimate the word Karma. They do as the please thinking that they will get away with it. Paul Kruger said that the sun never sets on the British empire. Today the United Kingdom is in reality broke. The debt is almost four times more then what they own. Spain, the saying goes that one could build a bridge from Latin America to Spain with Gold. Gold taken by the Spanish from Latin America. At the same time one could build a bridge with bones from Latin America to Spain. That is how many lives were lost in the mines. Portugal is also in dire crises. Italy is also in dire crises. France is also in dire crises. Other than Germany, Europe is in a crises although it seems that the Chinese are throwing a lifeline. Fact is that more money goes out of Africa compared to what comes in. Africa is always looking for donor funds and taking loans from world bank, imf etc. Paying high interest rates coupled with corruption, we cannot come out of this mess. The West actually survives on our debt. This I call slavery in a economic form. So the world believes in wealth and power. We say its a dog eat dog world. The dog is mans best friend, so where did this saying come from. Actually we are the ones to be blamed. We have become so materialistic, greed has got the better of us. We are judged by what we have and not who we are. Karma, we all have to pay for the evil we do. We all will benefit from the good we do. So in our temporary life on earth, 20 years goes in our youth, 20 years goes in working and earning, 20 years goes in making it through and whatever comes after that is a bonus. Robin Sharma says people reach the age of 50 and realise life is too short. At 50 we are worn out with all the stress and the rat race and thats when reality kicks in. Why wait until we 50? Do good, live with simplicity and harmony. Spread Love and serve mankind. Power is in doing for others. Wealth is people appreciating and praying for you. To Your Happiness!!! *Live*Laugh*Love*
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 05:12:10 +0000

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