Karma …continued from 4th October “I view karma as being - TopicsExpress


Karma …continued from 4th October “I view karma as being more a concept of balance rather than cause and effect. For example, I would never use the phrase bad karma, as I don’t believe that there is such a thing.” Anita Moorjani In her book “Dying to be me” about her near death experience, Anita explains karma more positively than I have ever heard before. She clarifies that there is no such concept as “punishment” on the “other side”. These are manmade theories and while they make sense in the human world, in the celestial place where we are all headed after life, the concept of punishment is unknown. Only love and forgiveness exist in that realm. While it does not give us the licence to go around causing pain and suffering for others, it does relieve us of the burden of guilt and fear of retribution. The whole karmic theory and its different pieces now make total sense. It is clear now that the reason you cannot leave karma behind is because karma is a sum total of your reactions, prejudices, fears and judgement and you take them with you wherever you go. They come into play in every interaction and each situation you encounter almost unconsciously. You inflict the pain and suffering upon yourself, through what you send out. In my case, if I look back, now I can see clearly that my conflicts at work were more to do with me and my attitude. I gave others permission to crucify me through my responses and reactions. I chose the pain by refusing to stand up for myself with grace and dignity. Though I was not quiet and put up a fight, deep inside of me I lacked the conviction that I was worthy of respect and recognition. And until I made that internal shift, any fight that I put up pushed me deeper into the karmic hole of anger, discontent and blame. When I consciously left that part of myself behind, my environment responded in equal proportions to my evolution. I no longer had to raise my voice and fight a losing battle to seek respect. It just came my way. No one and nothing could then affect my self-esteem or my dignity. I had taken away their power and invested instead into believing in my pure goodness or Buddhahood, as a Buddhist would call it. It was after all NOT my karma. It never is. It is the person who has to change. So, if you are praying to transform your karma as I was at one point of time, change that prayer. Instead you’d rather pray to transform yourself into a wiser, stronger, kinder, respectful and loving person who loves self as much as others.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 01:56:35 +0000

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