Kashmir shuts over Shopian killings Amid curfew and restrictions, - TopicsExpress


Kashmir shuts over Shopian killings Amid curfew and restrictions, protests erupted in North and South Kashmir Life all across Kashmir was hit by strike, restrictions and curfew on Wednesday. Amid curfew and restrictions, youth protested at a number of places in North and South Kashmir while in Srinagar stone pelting incidents were reported from Barthana and Nawab Bazar area of Srinagar. Several persons were injured during clashes. DGP, Ashok Prasad said that situation all over Kashmir remained by and large peaceful. According to reports, strict curfew was put in place in South Kashmir’s Shopian, Kulgam and Pulwama districts. Police and CRPF personnel had sealed all the roads and erected mobile bunkers to thwart any kinds of protests. People were not allowed to come out from their houses. Reports said that CRPF personnel in Shopian and its adjacent areas have occupied every nook and corner and completely restricted the movement of the people. “CRPF men are outside my house and we are not being allowed to peep through window,” a resident from Gagrin told CNS. However, despite strict curfew, scores of youth took to streets in Baba Mohalla, Gagrin, Kanipora and Malik Mohalla and raised pro-freedom slogans. Youth resorted to stone-pelting and engaged security forces in clashes. Reports said that the roads of Shopian town wore deserted look. Same situation prevailed in Kulgam and Pulwama districts. Due to strike call given by Hurriyat (G) chairman, Syed Ali Geelani, life was paralyzed in Islamabad, Tral, Pampore, Awantipora, Bijbehara, Verinag, Qazigund and other town of South Kashmir. A youth identified as Muhammad Arif Lone son of Muhammad Altaf was seriously injured after a tear gas shell hit his neck at Reidwani, Qaimou area of Kulgam district. He was shifted to Bijbehara hospital where from doctors referred him to Srinagar. Reports said that scores of youth resorted to stone pelting in Reidwani area of Kulgam and attacked SOG camp. The SOG and CRPF personnel fired several shots in air and used tear smoke shells to disperse the protesting youth. A shell directly hit the youth who fell unconscious. Doctors treating him at SKIMS told CNS that his condition is stable. In South Kashmir’s Kakapora area of Pulwama, scores of youth protested against Shopian killings and targeted SOG and CRPF personnel who were deployed in strength on roads. Soon after the clashes, police arrested a youth and bundled him in the armoured vehicle. People in large numbers came on roads and demanded immediate release of the youth who was identified as Wasim Raja son of Abdul Rashid Dar resident of Samboora Pampore. People alleged that Wasim was sitting on the edge of a shop when he was picked up by the police. Meanwhile, scores of people were thrashed by CRPF in Pulwama district where strict curfew remained in vogue for the fourth consecutive day. Reports said that various people were seen coming out from their houses in search of baby food items and medicines. However, CRPF men stopped these persons and beat them to pulp. “I was approaching toward District Hospital, Pulwama to fetch medicine for my ailing so when CRPF personnel caught hold of me and beat me to pulp. They hit me with lathi’s and gun butts,” one of the residents of Dangarpora told CNS. All shops and business establishments remained shut in Srinagar city. However, thin private transport was seen plying on roads. While Old city wore a deserted look, the shops in various areas of Civil Lines including Jawahar Nagar, Solina, Raj Bagh were seen open. Security Forces beat the people to pulp at HMT and smashed the windowpanes of residential houses after youth resorted to stone pelting on police and Para-military troopers. Scores of youth came on roads in Barthana area of Qamarwari in morning. Amid pro-freedom slogans, youth pelted stones on public and private vehicles and smashed there windowpanes. Reports said youth dispersed soon after the commencement of heavy downpours. In Central Kashmir’s Barsoo area of Ganderbal, scores of youth attacked Army Convoy with stones and damaged the windowpanes of Army vehicles. Youth pelted stones on the civil trucks, which were part of the Army convoy. Reports said that at least 15 vehicles suffered damage while two Army vehicles retreated towards Sumbal. Army exercised restraint and did not retaliate. Eyewitnesses told CNS that scores of youth had occupied Barsoo Bypass whole day who were seen pelting stones on security vehicles passing through Bypass. In Baramullah town stone pelting incidents were reported from various places including Khanpora, Azad Ganj, Wagoora, Kakarhamam and Cement Bridge. People were protesting against the mysterious death of People Conference leader Abdul Rashid Sofi. Police used tear gas shelling and resorted to aerial firing to disperse the protestors. Deputy Inspector General of Police North Kashmir, J.P.Singh told CNS that barring few stray incidents of stone pelting situation in town remained peaceful. Meanwhile, High Court Bar Association Kashmir boycotted the court proceedings as a mark of protest against Shopian killings. “We suspended our work and did not attend the Court,” Bar spokesperson said. Director General of Police, Ashok Prasad told CNS that situation over all remained peaceful throughout Valley. “There were few stone pelting incidents but the situation remained under control,” he said. (CNS)
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 04:59:12 +0000

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