Kassandra; June 27th what a special day this is. It is a day that - TopicsExpress


Kassandra; June 27th what a special day this is. It is a day that 25 years ago you were born. I remember being handed this beautiful little baby girl and looking at the cutest little face I remember thinking what will you look like when you are all grown up. Now all I have is pictures to look at. I miss your smile, I miss your voice, I miss your hugs, I miss talking to you I miss not being able to buy you a birthday cake or presents. I remember holding on to the presents that I had bought for you 2 years ago as you were killed 6 weeks before your 23th birthday. I remember standing there thinking you will never know that the one gift that you asked for I had bought for you. I think of you every day and I wonder will I be able to survive the next 30 years without you. Then I think of your sister and brother that they have been forced to live the next 50 years without you as a part of their lives. I am counting the days to July 7th when Miss Natasha Warren will become eligible to apply for parole after serving 6 months and 1 week of a 37 month sentence. We will wait and see. All that I can think of how very disrespectful this is to all of the families who have had a child or loved one murdered by an impaired driver. That the accused who commit these crimes will serve the least amount of time for the crimes that they have committed. When a person holds a weapon between their hands and commits a murder by taking another persons life they should be held accountable for murdering someone. Why is it different if a gun or a knife or a vehicle is used. I can tell you for a fact that a 2000 pound vehicle does far more damage than a gun or a knife. I am angry that I can not come into your bedroom tomorrow morning and wish you a Happy Birthday. I can only stand at the door way and look at a empty bed and see all of your things siting exactly where you left them. Connor your nephew asked Miranda if you would still have a birthday in Heaven? He then wanted to know if the Angels will make you a birthday cake. Miranda told him yes, he just wanted to make sure that you had your birthday cake. You would have loved Kaleb to as he has your eyes. He is very cute and very funny just like you. Kassandra I miss you every single minute of every single day..........Happy 25th Birthday Sweetheart..............Wishing you were here where you are supposed to be. (With your family) Love Mom & Dad xoxoxoxxo
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 06:39:14 +0000

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