Kathismata Tone 8 First Kathisma Thou hast risen from the dead, O - TopicsExpress


Kathismata Tone 8 First Kathisma Thou hast risen from the dead, O Life of all. And a resplendent angel shouted to the women, Dry your tears and proclaim to the Apostles, and cry out in praise, that Christ the Lord hath risen, He who hath been pleased to save mankind, since He is God. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Thou hast verily risen from the tomb; and thou didst command the righteous women to preach to the Apostles the Resurrection, as it was written. And as for Peter, he did hasten to the tomb; and when he saw the light in the grave, he was dazzled with surprise. Then he saw the linen clothes lying aside, where it was not possible to see them by night, and he believed, and cried out, Glory to thee, O Christ God; for thou hast saved us all, O our Savior, who still remainest in truth the Radiance of the Father. Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Let us glorify her who is the tabernacle and the Heavenly gate, the most holy mountain, the shining cloud, the Heavenly ladder, the paradise, endowed with speech, the deliverer of Eve, the precious and great treasure of the universe; for by her did salvation come to the world, and the forgiveness of ancient sins. Wherefore, do we cry to her, Intercede to the Son and God to grant forgiveness of sins to those who bow in true worship to thy most holy birth-giving. Second Kathisma Men did seal thy tomb, O Savior, and the angels did roll the stone from off thy grave; and the women witnessed thy Resurrection from the dead. They proclaimed to thy Disciples in Zion that thou didst rise, O Life of all, and didst break asunder the bonds of death, O Lord, glory to thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Verily, when the women came with burial ointment, they heard from the grave an angelic voice, saying, Cease your tears and receive joy instead of sorrow; and cry in praise that Christ the Lord is risen, who being God was pleased to save mankind. Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Verily, all creation rejoiceth in thee, O full of grace; the assemblies of angels; and the races of men; pride of virginity from whom God was incarnate and became a child, being yet our God before the ages; for He hath made thy receptacle a throne and thy womb more spacious than the Heavens. Wherefore, O full of grace, the whole creation rejoiceth in thee and glorifieth thee.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 08:17:54 +0000

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