Kathy and I were married in September of 1996. We decided to wait - TopicsExpress


Kathy and I were married in September of 1996. We decided to wait to have kids, so we could just enjoy each other and because we were so poor, poor people made fun of us. Times got better and in 2000 we decided to have kids, after four years of no luck, we began seeing a fertility specialist. We had just started treatments when I got deployed to Iraq. We started again 18 months later, 6 artificial inseminations, two miscarriages, and finally a invitro-fertilization, Kathy was pregnant with Riley. 8 years ago today, we were sitting at home, nervous, scared, and excited. Kathy was 37 weeks, had gestational diabetes, so the decision was made to induce on August 14th. The day started off calm enough, I told Kathy to have the baby by 4pm so we could have dinner and go home the next day. At about 3:30pm, Kathys placenta had abrupted and she began to bleed, a lot. At 3:55 pm, two surgeons came in, told us Kathy and the baby were very sick, and if our doctor wasnt here in 5 minutes, they were going to perform and emergency C-section. On cue, our doctor runs in the room, looks at the chart, and yells Were losing the baby, were losing the Mommy, GO, GO, GO!! Four nurses came in, three took Kathy, one helped me change, she told me, they have one shot to put in an epideral, if it doesnt work, you cant go in. It worked, I was in the operating room in less than two minutes, there were two surgeons, Kathys doctor, 6 nurses, and two anethesologist, it was pure chaos, blood, fluid, yelling. They got Riley out, his apgar score was a 9.9, he was safe, we found out later Kathy had HELLP syndrome (HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening obstetric complication usually considered to be a variant or complication of pre-eclampsia) and shingles from the stress of losing her step father 10 days prior, killed a block from his farm by a drunk driver. Kathy was shutting down, her liver first, then her other organs, on the third day we were told she was going to make it, but would be on meds for awhile to help her liver. When we scheduled Kathys C-section for Spencer, we were excited to have an un-eventful delivery, or so we thought......guess we will never know what THAT feels Like :) God bless everyone, and thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 02:24:52 +0000

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