Katt, this is for you... I want to show what I could not - TopicsExpress


Katt, this is for you... I want to show what I could not find words to explain... when I said I see a lot talents in you and one, is your ability to write beautiful lyrics. So here is a true event in my life that has now been made into music....... It is called, (ANGEL IN DISGUISE) I remember a cold winter day, rain poring down, and more than my Spirits, were chilled to the bone.... But just when I was getting, into, feeling sorry for myself, I looked across the street, and saw this old black man. holding a sign that said, Hed work, for something to eat. And it made me wonder, here were supposed to be a Super Power, Hell, were the one runnin around, like we are the, one of the hour, and yet, here is another Homeless Man, like so many more that Ive seen before, And weve got women and children, sleepin in our city streets, and young girls selling their bodies, for something to get high on to ease the pain, and a place to sleep I watched as the cars passed him bye, one by one, it almost made me cry, Some turned their heads, the other way, and some damned Red Neck, had something cruel to say, But the bottom line is, no one stopped to help that man at all. Here were supposed to be a Super Power, Hell, look at us runnin around, like were the one of the hour, And here we have another homeless man, like so many men that I seen before, And weve got women and children, sleeping in our city streets, and sometimes......entire families Well, I sat there just as long as I could, so as my bus turned the corner, I ran across all for of those busy four lanes, just as fast as I could. and I handed him the food stamps I had, that i had way to much pride to spend And as I ran back across those busy four lanes, that Christmas Eve, I climb aboard my bus that day. And as I sat down in my seat, and glance across that road, I watched as he sat down his sign, look back into my eyes, and stare straight to my sole Then I watch him as He attempted to cross two of those busy four lanes, AND DISAPERE RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES THAT DAY! I watched as the car doors open wide, people looking everywhere, was nowhere in site... Even the Bus driver and I climbed down of that bus and truth is you could see a mile both ways, man it tuned into, one hell of a fuss butt the bottom line,,,he was nowhere at all IT WAS AN ANGEL, AND ANGEL, SENT DOWN HERE, IN DESGUISE, AN ANGEL, AND ANGEL SEEIN IT WE WERE WALKING OUR WALKS, OR JUST ANOTHER SUNDAY CHRISTIAN, JUST TRYIN TO FOOL THE WORLD, CAUSE WERE JIUST LIVIN A LIE ANGEL, OOOO ANGEL, ANGEL IN DESGUISE, SENT DOWN HE TO SEE IF WE ARE WAKIN OUR WALK, PR JUST ANOTHER SUNDAY CHRISTIAN, THAT IS JUST FLAT OUT , LIVIN A LIE. Tell me, how many people, have you passed by this week, and just smiled and ask for a little spare change, as you just turn your head the other way, while you just shook your heads, and, stuck your noses in the air. and marched, right on down that busy city street... ANGEL, OOOO ANGEL, ANGEL IN DISGUISE, SENT DOWN HERE TO SEE IF WE ARE WALKING OUR WALK OR JUST ANOTHER SUNDAY CHRISTIAN A TELLIN LIES. By Stan Robinson, the Christmas eve 7 years after my ex had kidnapped my children, and due to having a mental illness no one even with joint custody would help... YOU SEE EVERYONE, ALL OF US SUFFER, AND I HAVE BEEN SHOT, STABBED, HELD HOSTAGE, AND GUESS WHAT, DO YOU SEE HOW YOU FELT SOMETHING INSIDE OF YOU AS YOU READ THESE WORDS? You too my friends, just like me.....all have a story, a talent, a skill.....the power to smile...the power, to sit down and just listen to someone, when the just can seem to make heads now tales out of this greedy heartless at times world, which is also FILLED WITH SO VERY, VERY..... GOOD HEARTED FOLKS, JUST LIKE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU..... THAT I HAVE GROW TO BOTH LOVE....AND RESPECT So, I want, to wish each and everyone around the world, WITH A REQUEST for prayer for some very great friends, who Tankgiving....well they have had so me family die on that day, so you will have to exuse those who will not be joining us maybe.... You see everyone, Its am Angel, am Angel, sent down here to see if we are walking our walk or just another Sunday bunch of Christians, just telling the world lies.....and this time,,,,,ourselves too... So tomorrow ladies and gentlemen, as you sit down at a table, filled with good food, good families, and a room filled with as you count your blessings...... You see, we have been telling ourselves lies.... Truth be told, a holacost right here in this great nation,,,,,that tops the numbers of Hitler and others. We have had slavery, abused and used our rights right up on everyones noses around the entire world now So as we sit down and enjoy Thanksgiving, before we show all the great things we hve either worked hard for, or been blessed with. GET REAL FOR JUST A FEW SHORT SWEET MOMENTS AND TAKE A REALITY CHECK AMERICA,....SHOW PRIDE, IN TAKING AND DOING SOMETHING THAT WE HAVE NOT DONE AS A NATION IN FAR TOO LONG......Think for ourselves You see, When we are 37th in the World in education, have men and women and children homeless on our City Streets Nation wide, a crime rate..... whose governed by even worse than we lock up. our Family morals and values have our youth thinking that dressing like the body is meat on sale to the highest bidder, I love this Great Country of ours,,,,and we have a thousand more good than bad things that are wrong here in America to be thankful for tomorrow......SO LET START A NEW ITEM TO OUR THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR.......AS WE STOP AND SEE CLEARLY FOR THE FIRST TIME AS WE PRAY FOR GOD, TO SOMEHOW FIND IT IN HIS HEART, FOR US KILLING MILLIONS OF NATIVE AMERICAN MWN WOMEN AND CHILDREN, AND ALL THOSE THAT WE ARE KILLING AROUND THE WORLD IN COUNTRIES.....ALL FOR WHAT.....BECAUSE THEY SEE WHAT ALL OF US REALLY KNOW...... BUT GOD KNOWS I SURE DONT..... YOU SEE IF WE TRULY WANT CHANGE IN THIS WORLD FIRST ONE MUST FIND THE TRUE ENEMY AND GET BUTT NAKED HONEST WITH OURSELVES OF JUST HOW WE ARE NOT.....ANYTHING CLOSE.....TO WHAT THE BIBLE ASK OF US.......BUT WE CAN BE, GOD LOVES US, AND I LOVE YOU! Oh yeah, just to show you just how out of reality we are thinking that only those educated, wealthy few in power can address the world and make kind, clear, non judgmental state of the address on Thankgiving Eve.......a man with a 12th grade education who has flat lined twice and has a mental illness..... WHO BECAUSE, WHAT i ASKED YOU AS A FAVOR TO DO TOMORROW.... I DO EVERYDAY..... That man who wrote this who had lived through hell, now as an EXAMPLE GOD DID RIGHT IN FRONT OF EACH AND EVERYONE ASK A HOST OF DOCTORS, CLERGY AND REPUTABLE FOLKS ABOUT THE MAN WHO WROTE THIS OUT OF LOVE, Here is Gods calling card Friends and Family around the world. I lost my entire family, when I wrote this song over 17 years ago, just before I went home and took over 30,000 milligrams of pills and ended up on full life support, YET NOW I AM THE LUCKIEST FATHER IN THE WORLD, WHO NOW HAS I LOVE YOU DADDY ON MY SCREEN EVERY MORNING, AND SO MANY FRIENDS AND FAMILY AROUND THE WORLD THAT JUST DO NOT SEE HOW I A MAN WHO IS NOBODY! NOBODY SPECIAL IN ANY FORM... TO ALSO..... HAVE MY DAUGHTER INABELLA NOW AS GODS CALLING CARD AS WELL.......SHE HAD ONLY A 4% CHANCE TO LIVE.....AND WHERE IS SHE NOW BECAUSE OF ALL YOU PRAYERS ....Good Question......AMSTERDAM @StanleyVisionM.H.P. World Team Leaders JUST KEEPIN IT REAL AMERICA!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 05:07:45 +0000

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