Katy vs. Florida Man who decides to run for office, Round 4. - TopicsExpress


Katy vs. Florida Man who decides to run for office, Round 4. I get this email: Katy, When I first saw your article titled, The Race for Attorney General in Florida: Issues, Ground Games, and Money my immediate reaction was: Oh good. Here is a comprehensive article of balanced voter info. However, I see that my candidacy is completely excluded from your coverage. Based on my observation of your activism, I suspect that you were unaware that I am very much entrenched in the Florida Attorney General race and have been since filing to run in December 2013. I understand how that could happen, given the mainstream media candidate suppression that so-called third-party candidates have to overcome. I have done many radio appearances, some TV, and lots of publishing and personal appearances throughout the state for many months to combat the name recognition advantage that incumbent and career politicians have. Anyway, now that you are aware of my candidacy if you would like to conduct an interview or for me to just informally discuss the attorney general race with you I would be honored to do so. Best regards, Bill Wohlsifer I respond: Dear Bill, First off, lets start with your first sentence: you saw my article. You are running for a constitutional office in the state of Florida and the large majority of the state has no idea who you are. I suggest spending your time more wisely than merely sitting around reading my blog. It is a blog – this is not media, it is not a news source and its not going to get you any votes. The fact that you took the time to write me a detailed letter only speaks to the fact that you are unaware of the other tasks that you should be doing in order to win in a state-wide election. This is not a good sign that you are ready to hold any office, much less Attorney General of my home state. Secondly, let us address the issue of “balanced voter info” I am aware of your candidacy and I was long before your followers began this silly letter writing campaign to get me to pay some attention to you. However, I categorize all candidates (regardless of party affiliation) who run for a major state office with absolutely no experience in government as “inept at politics”. Perhaps you should check out my blog mocking William Rankin, the guy running against Atwater for CFO. Public administration is a field of study that one does not merely waltz into and expect to fix. Running for a state-wide office on a third party ticket is little more than a vanity show. Your candidacy lacks understanding and depth. If you truly wanted to make a difference, you would run for local office and make a name for yourself and learn the issues. “Entrenched” is a very peculiar word to use – where exactly have you been? Because you have not been up in Tallahassee working with the legislature, you havent been at the forefront on issues that the people of Florida care about – instead, you are making personal appearances. Im sorry, but even after looking at your candidacy I find nothing interesting, relevant, or beneficial for the people of Florida. I am sure you are a very nice guy who is trying to do some good, but I gotta say there are many many things that you could be doing that would actually be helpful. If you need ideas, please feel free to contact me further. Regards, Katy
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 02:46:33 +0000

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