Kay I got 5 likes c: Dear crush(2) Well were dateing now c: And - TopicsExpress


Kay I got 5 likes c: Dear crush(2) Well were dateing now c: And your hella funny.! You dont have a facebook thoe that sucks. Yesterday was super fun and we adopted animal children haha. I rememer the day you asked me out izzy and rachel told you too do snow ball with me then i told you I liked you and i was nervous haha then after skate city you texted me and asked me out c: I was really happy. I hope this lasts long..I really like you. Sucks you cant see this :/ But you are one of the sweetest boys iv ever met.. I dont wanna lose you c: Dear crush # 2 Hey, So we dated for 6 months and wev been through so much. I still like you but i have a boyfriend. i dont know why i like you thoe you hurt me bad. But you were always there for me, and you always had something to say that would just make me smile. I know my family misses you..They were talking about the other day haha...I know we never are getting back together but just remember you still and always will be my boo. Even thoe we arnt dating haha Dear bestfriends (4) haha Tobuscus Turner You are one of my best guy friends ever!! I can be myself around you and we do some crazy stuff. !! You are so weird and thats why were best friends c: Also you were always there for me through all my break ups and fights with eli. Or when someboady hurt me YOU were always right there with me either ncussing someboady out haha or telling me everythings okay c: You are my biffle and i love you c: Dear best friend number 2 Alanna Marie Aguilera I met you like a year ago haha. But you are really nice and super duper pretty. You are someone I know i could go too if i needed too. And dont worry about those haters like i said there just jealous and they have nothing better too do with there lifes. And i think your awesome just the way you are and dont cry over guys there not worth your tears c: And I promise you will find a guy that treats you right you just have to wait were still young we dont gotta worry about boys haha Dear best friend 3 Presley Cole God i have so much to say too you!! Well i met you at skate city on new years eve. You are a really good friend. And skate city is never gonna be the same anymore. I really miss you :c And i lovee youu. Your gonna be my brides maid one day..Haha I have so much memories with you. And they were awesome!! Your beautiful and dont let anyboady tell you that you arnt. And if you ever need anyboady too talk to message me women!! Dear best friend 4 Chaylor Nicole Bowman You are awesome!! And your a really good friend I look forward to seeing you on fridays because i cant see you any other time gurrrrrrrr welp this is long and yeah haha i really like hanging out with you too c: Dear mom You were never there for me EVER!!! You have what 9 kids now and yo arnt taking care of any one of them.. Now you see what you put everyboady through. The other day when i was looking at my little sister i cried ..I couldnt even look at her anymore..And what oyur putting her dad through he was the only one out of all the guys you had a baby with he was THE ONLY ONE that cried you couldnt hardly speak. I hope your happy. Dear dad I have nothing to say too you.You havnt botherd to even speak to me for 2 years now..The last time i saw you you were when i met you. Its funny kuz i didnt meet you till i was 6 kuz you were in prison!! Thats awesome isnt it. God I hope you have a happy life with your nasty girlfriend!!!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 18:04:26 +0000

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