Kay Post a 79 year old Mobile resident of the Central Plaza Towers - TopicsExpress


Kay Post a 79 year old Mobile resident of the Central Plaza Towers on Bayshore Drive in Mobile Al, where she has lived for the past 10 years, is being continuously harassed by the Management of the Complex over her 42 year old daughter and caregiver. Her daughter Sheila Byrd moved in with her 3 years ago to help her mother care for her father who was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Before her father was put into a nursing home, she took him to the weekly Bingo events held in the complex lobby. After her fathers passing her mother needed in home care and assistance as prescribed by her doctor, and she continued caring for her mother. Then one evening she decided to go to the weekly Bingo event as she did with her father. But this time she was told to leave by the event coordinator stating that she wasnt a resident and could not participate. But she was a resident, she had been put on the lease and decided to take the incident to the complex manager. Now after that things get confusing. Because the manager then called this mother and daughter to a meeting and told them that the daughter would have to leave. The mother could stay but daughter had to leave. After that the manager started putting threatening notes their door, refusing a service provided by the complex to all residents to regularly spray for bugs, refusing to send any maintenance workers to fix bathroom plumbing issues and refused to accept her rent for the past 2 months. The mother and daughter spoke to a lawyer James Harred. After informing the complex manager that they retained a lawyer and she would have to speak to him, at which the manager replied, I doubt that, I hear that all the time from people like you. So after their lawyer got a court date to address the issue as to why she is refusing to take the rent. The manager then had a security guard slip and notice under the elderly womans door stating that she had issued a No Trespass Order against the daughter and she was banned from all housing complexes managed under the Mobile Housing Board and that the Mobile Police Department, Sheriffs Department and District Attorneys offices had been sent a copy of said notice, however all Departments were contacted and have no knowledge of the notice.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 01:04:45 +0000

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