Kay Purdum Sweet Shared her heart and she wrote the following: My - TopicsExpress


Kay Purdum Sweet Shared her heart and she wrote the following: My heart, had to share….. I have come to understand that the holiday we call “Christmas” had it’s beginning as a substitute for a number of pagan holidays. The symbols of Christmas, the trees, reindeer, elves, holly, mistletoe etc, maintain their connections to the paganism for which they were derived, and that the spiritual realm “unchanged from the beginning” continues to view them as such. It is grieving to me that Christianity has all but removed the festivals that God ordained for his people. This has robbed the church not only of a sense of her roots but also her instruction. In this age where believers in the true Messiah ought to shine distinctively as lights in a dark place the church and the world now celebrate in a common fashion-the same symbols, the same traditions, the same effects. I was18 when I accepted Yeshua , Christmas to me became truly keeping “Christ” in Christmas, reading the Christmas story, scriptures on gifts under the tree, and attending a “Christmas eve” service. But if your honest with yourselves like me we have all had a few “Christmas” holiday’s that we would rather forget. Stresses of the shopping for gifts, finances, holiday baking, decorating, family get-togethers, Christmas programs, & traditions just finding enough time to get it all done! Wait none of that really matters right?…..It’s all about celebrating the birth of our Messiah! I realized how much of the Christmas celebration was merely that of doing what I always did. After much studying, prayer, & coming to a place where I truly want it to be All about HIM. I can now say I celebrate the birth of Messiah like never before. I have come to understand that Christmas and the birth of Messiah have NOTHING in common, many of you know Christ was not born on Christmas day. We as followers are called to be set apart. I ask that you consider seriously whether or not your celebration of Christmas has incorporated any practices that displease God,-practices which violate the purity of his holiness. When HE reveals things to us we have the responsibility to make changes, if we ignore it’s sin. Please take the time to watch this with an open mind you may say “That’s not what it means to me!“ What matters is what it means to HIM. If after watching he reveal’s anything displeasing regarding your “Christmas celebration” I encourage you to purge it from your life and pursue God with your whole heart. Blessings! Thanks Kay for Sharing your mind.....Your a true blessing to our family and my life.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 02:43:24 +0000

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