Kayla and Adrian Part 1 Everything goes black = Skillet - TopicsExpress


Kayla and Adrian Part 1 Everything goes black = Skillet youtu.be/Y6OXXonFI5A {Edgebrook Texas} Almost two months away. Eight weeks of torture that had him jumpier than an alley cat in a thunder storm. Feelings he didn’t want to analyze as they would only serve to drive him crazy. He’d been on this God forsaken rock for over five hundred years how could one person twist his guts in a knot so vigorously and yet set his body aflame with one look and his temper raging out of control the next. A gruff laugh exists between slightly parted full lips as he pushed the front door open. Unexpectedly pulled from his grasp, Adrian stared down into a pair of wide chocolate eyes, lashes slipping down to cover said orbs briefly. A thick veil of disgust sliding into the place of shock. Yeah Jamie never liked him much. Maybe that had something to do with the fact he didn’t trust her. Didn’t understand why Kayla did either. One look at the petite brunette had him cursing the ground she walked on. He could recall with great detail many times both the mistress of the Beltane pub and its head manager explaining to him that she wasn’t bad. That he refused to believe humans were anything but evil incarnate and ready to kill anything and anyone they didn’t understand. However, he hadn’t lived this long to be wrong or more to the point to have his instincts be wrong. “Hope you brought a body bag with you leech. I don’t think boss lady’s gonna be too happy to see you,” her snide tone and words had little effect on him. Schooling his features though his sharp sapphire eyes spit fire, “A choice which rests solely within her hands human. Now if you would move you emaciated bag of bones from my view all will be right with the world,” a smirk creased his mouth, a challenge hung unspoken between them. “Home now Jamie,” a deep voice thundered stilling the room beyond the front door. “And Adrian move ya sorry ass out of da way so she can leave, ya damned gator bate.” A slight lift of one thick brown eyebrow, he took a step back still invading Jamie’s space as she walked by pushing him backward another. Giving her no more thought, yet filing away her reaction for later. He still had contacts who could run a search and anything else he could think of. However, one look towards the tower of a man standing within the old world style Irish pub, powerful arms crossed over an equally impressive chest, told him the matter needed to be dropped. “I see the steroids are still working for you little bear,” he sneered stepping inside. Solid pine door slamming shut behind him. Sapphire eyes scanning a small group of regulars seated haphazardly around both the eight table and bar. Most gave him a curious glance before resuming previous activities. Only Rafaele kept a hard grey gaze on the vampire before him. Snorting, Rafaele turning quickly an unexpected move for his size. The man was a solid wall of muscle, not overtly grotesque to the point he’d looked like a science experiment gone wrong. More of a defined build that had most of the female clientele panting for a taste of his tanned skin. Short cropped blond hair framed a rugged face of a rounded jaw lightly dusted with a five o’clock shadow. Towards steely grey eyes that didn’t miss much in his line of work and only soften for a total of four women. “Next time you challenge a staff member Adrian pick on someone your own size or better yet one who can really kick ya ass,” he growled, his Cajun accent strong, heading back behind the mahogany bar serving a middle aged male another glass of dark beer. “Last one for the night Tony otherwise Marissa will have my ass with you coming home drunk,” he shook his head never understand human males and there need to drink themselves till they passed out sometimes. Shaking his dark hair, Adrian advanced towards the back checking the clock secured to the half wall which the bar ended into. A brief half smile curved his lips as a memory of long ago spiked through his mind. A meeting that changed his existent. As of yet he hadn’t decided whether it was for better or worse. “I’ll keep that in mind Raf. We could sell tickets, put the video on YouTube,” he paused craning his neck to glare at the 6’5 male who’s shirt clad upper body leaned over the bar facing him. “Though I don’t think I want to piss Adela off by messing your pretty boy face up.” Grunting, Rafaele felt like tossing the closest object, a large kitchen knife at his head followed by his fist. However, he held himself in check knowing Kayla wouldn’t be too happy with the mess said actions would cause or the ensuing fight that mostly would destroy a good part of her families bar. “I don’t think its Del ya should be worried about,” he stated a warning in his tone. “In fact if you value your worthless life any I wouldn’t step beyond the bar’s perimeter. She’s that pissed off she might just gut you were you stand. Not that I wouldn’t mind watching her do dat.” Turning fully to face the bear shifter, Adrian cocked his head listening to more than just the, mostly humans present. But to the whole build itself. His heighten hearing picked up on Max’s paws padding around upstairs, the male husky wanting to stretch his legs in a run. Yet cooped up for his own safety till his mama could let him out. He pushed aside everyone else’s heartbeat, words, the creaking of floor boards, to the back. Zeroing in on the one person he’d been avoiding for the last two months. Hearing her move almost silently within the confines of her office. Her scent wrapping around his senses like silk. A headed mix of body wash, lily of the valley oil and her own personal scent that never failed to kick start his dead heart. “I’ll take my chances. After all she is only human,” Adrian voiced with a slight regal bow of his head, before taking the first steps towards the back rooms of the pub. Rafaele had watched the play of emotions on Adrian’s squared jawed features. What shocked him the most was the one emotion he wasn’t even sure the older man knew appeared on his face. Rafaele never figured anxiety even entered into Adrian’s life. The man had always been a stoic rock. One who didn’t let anyone or anything shake him. This new side of the vampire almost shocked the jeans right off his body, almost. But then he’d always knew or suspected that the half century old male held deeper emotions for his sister in law. One’s Adrian would never give voice to nor follow through on no matter how much Adela would try to push them together. A pity as far as Rafaele was concerned. As he felt Kayla would be a good match for the vampire, would keep him on his toes and alive. Granted he may have always been suspicious of him, but those times had mellowed even if they still gave each other good natured grief. “White or red roses on your coffin?” Rafaele called out ribbing the other man and halting his progress. “Black, suite me better don’t you think,” Adrian answered throwing the other male a quick glare and resuming his trek towards her office. By passing another group of six tables, heading for the door marked “DON’T ENTER EMPLOYEES AND OWNER ONLY”. Apprehension coursing through his veins. He’d never been gone this long not without some word. After all he’d made a promise all those years ago to her brother to keep her safe, to watch over her. So when had that morphed into something different? When had he become such a pussy? Shoving those thoughts back into the abyss of his mind to never exam again under any light. Adrian squared his shoulders, preparing for battle of a totally different kind.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:16:13 +0000

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