Ke bao baagisane ba itaana ka noga e tshela and we are right in - TopicsExpress


Ke bao baagisane ba itaana ka noga e tshela and we are right in the middle of it. Extracts from a conversation in on the Botswana position on the Zim elections on Mon, 5th Aug 2013 10:42 pm Botswana is a little puppet of the west and as such we didnt expect anything good from them and to Ian Khama i urge him to leave Zimbabwe in peace and avoid issuing statements which are meant to cause chaos and despondence in our beloved Zim.Khama clearly knows that if Zim gets back on its feet his country will be at the risk of an economical decline hence his attempt to cause despondence in Zim but we as Zimbabweans would like to tell this puppet of the west and also a sickman of Southern Africa that Zimbabwe will not accept any attempts by anyone especialy that little Botswana a country full of deserts and 1 dam plus two (2) traffic robots the whole country…,to cause chaos,pandemonium and panic among Zimbabweans,so Khama keep yo Deserts and let Mugabe keep his Paradise.Be warned!!! on Mon, 5th Aug 2013 11:15 pm Lento – you are a desperate person, see I cannot call you a man! Here is why! Botswana may be small in assets or traffic lights, but at least theirs WORK! Furthermore, you call Botswana a puppet of the West, why because their Capital and their fabulous game parks, lodges and reserves are a jewel to behold. Botswana is rich in gold and diamonds, tourism, farming and business and is not all deserts. You need education! Lastly, Mugabe is a billionaire, like all his Generals and Cabinet Ministers, while Zimbabweans have no work, no food and now no hope. Shame on you. on Tue, 6th Aug 2013 12:10 am Khama is one of a few African leaders who can walk in the streets without fear, the guy even does his own shopping sometimes….Mugabe needs a whole battalion to go the toilet!! When Khama talks I stop to listen, when Mugabe talks even his own children sleep! Well done for speaking up on behalf of the muzzled voices of millions of Zimbabweans, where even children are mocking the level of rigging and Zuma and co conveniently look the other way!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 09:48:48 +0000

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